Council Committees

Council Committees

Risk Management Committee

The Risk Management Committee is responsible for formulating and keeping under review a risk management policy for approval by the Council, overseeing and coordinating all activities aimed at identifying, assessing and mitigating risks that may adversely or beneficially affect the University's ability to achieve its objectives in education, research, knowledge transfer and community engagement, and developing a risk register at institutional level for report to the Council, at least annually.


Mr. Roger K.H. Luk


Prof. Francis K.L. Chan
Ms. Carol C.H. Chiu
Prof. Ko Wing-hung
Ms. Salome Y.P. Lam
Mr. Simon K.C. Lee
Ms. Corinna S.K. Lee
Prof. Freedom Y.K. Leung
Mr. Eric S.P. Ng
Mr. Laurie Pearcey
Prof. Poon Wai-yin
Ms. Kitty W.H. Yu


Mr. Alfred M.H. Wong
as of 5 September 2022