CUHK InnoHK Centres

In a major contribution to Hong Kong's innovation agenda, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has established six InnoHK Centres covering health, biomedicine, robotics and artificial intelligence. Located at the Hong Kong Science Park and established under the Hong Kong Government's InnoHK initiative, the centres apply CUHK's world-class research discoveries to generate translational impact on a local, national and global scale.

Combining expertise from CUHK and leveraging partners from prestigious global universities, such as Oxford, Cambridge, Karolinska Institutet, UC Berkeley, ETH Zurich, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the centres will position Hong Kong as a global powerhouse of innovation connecting the world with the rapidly emerging research and innovation ecosystem of the Greater Bay Area.

CUHK has seeded two unicorns – the most of any university in Hong Kong, and has seeded many startups and successful spinout companies. The InnoHK centres feature alongside other developments in the University's research, innovation and entrepreneurship agenda that include the CUHK InnoPort, Innovation and Entrepreneur Days, and the University's recent Forum on Developments in the Greater Bay Area.

The six research centres are: