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Covidence: A Tool For Systematic Review: Data Extraction

Data Extraction

(1) After quality assessment, reviewers will move on to “Data Extraction”

Click “Start”



For each study, the following Data Extraction form will be provided. Fill in the required information.


(2) You can add customized fields or notes in the form.  Remember to “Save” it after inputting/editing.



(3) Comparison and Consensus

Once two reviewers have extracted data, a reviewer will need to compare their data and come to consensus.

In the following example, the boxes with blue words require decision.




For more information on Data Extraction, please refer to Covidence’s Help:


Data Extraction

Getting started

Setting up extraction tables for outcomes

Adding a custom study design

Adding custom text fields

Comparison and Consensus

Exporting extracted data to Excel

Creating Data Extraction Forms

Capturing data into tables in Extraction 2 0

Data Extraction Consensus

Need Help?

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