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Publons: Integration with AIMS

Sending publications from Publons to AIMS (Optional)

You may import your publications from Publons to AIMS.

  1. Check the box “Web of Science”
  2. Input your ResearcherID in the search box
  3. Select “ORCID /WOS ResearcherID”
  4. Set the search period “from year…”
  5. Click “Search”


Remarks: You will be assigned a ResearcherID one day after you register a Publons account. Once you send your publications from Web of Science to your Publons account, the publication records in Web of Science will be updated to include your ResearcherID. This update process will take approximately two weeks.

Sending publications from ORICD to AIMS (Optional)

You may import your publications from ORCID to AIMS. However, if your publications can be found in Web of Science/ Publons, it is advised to import from Web of Science to AIMS.

  1. Check the box “ORCID”
  2. Input your ORCID iD in the search box
  3. Select “ORCID /WOS ResearcherID”
  4. Set the search period “from year…”
  5. Click “Search”