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Covidence: A Tool For Systematic Review: Data Export

Data Export

(1)  Export “Quality Assessments” data:

Tick the box next to the reference(s) that data will be exported.

Then click “Export”


At the dialogue box, select “Quality Assessments” and click “Export”


A spreadsheet file will be downloaded with the quality assessment data of the references.


(2)  Export “Data Extractions” data:

At the dialogue box, select “Data Extractions” and click “Export”


Choose the following set up and then click “Export”

A spreadsheet will be downloaded with the required data.

(3)  Covidence will auto-generate a PRISMA chart for your review:

At the “Review Summary”, click PRISMA



PRISMA chart of your review will be displayed:


For more information on Export, please refer to Covidence’s Help:


Exporting study lists to your reference manager

Exporting quality assessments to Excel

Exporting and interpreting PRISMA

Exporting studies to RevMan


Exporting all of your review data

Exporting lists of citations

Exporting Data Extractions to CSV/Excel


Exporting your Covidence review data to RevMan

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