Cambridge Core: Journals & Books Online offers access to eBooks which published by Cambridge University Press, covering subjects from all disciplines across law, science, technology and medicine, humanities, and social sciences. The Library has subscribed to around 500 ebook law titles.
Cambridge Core: Journals & Books Online provides downloading and printing functions subject to the licence agreement between Cambridge University Press and the Library.
Downloading: For each book in the collection, you may copy and paste ONE chapter or up to 5% of pages from the total collection, whichever is greater, for personal use only, during any 4 week period.
Printing: For each book in the collection, you may print ONE chapter or up to 20% of the pages from the total collection, whichever is greater, for personal use only, during any 4 week period.
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Cambridge Core: Journals & Books Online provides Quick Search in the homepage. It can also provide subject browsing by clicking Or browse by subject and then select Law. It classifies law ebooks under different sub-categories, such as Arbitration, Dispute Resolution and Mediation; Comparative Law; Competition Law, etc.
In the result list, if appears next to the title field, it means that we have access to the full text of the ebook. If there is no
appears on the title field, we can only view the bibliographic information and content information of the ebook.
The ebook is in PDF files by chapters.