Effective research data management is essential to both high-quality research and academic integrity. The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) recognizes research data as a valuable institutional asset for research excellence. Underpinning this principle, the Committee on Research Data Management (CRDM) was established under the Research Committee to promote the highest standards in research data management throughout each stage of the research data lifecycle. The CRDM is responsible for:
- proposing to the Research Committee policies, guidelines and best practices for Research Data Management (RDM);
- making recommendations on the development and implementation of RDM infrastructure, resources, training, and support services at the University;
- assisting the Research Committee in overseeing the implementation of the relevant RDM project(s); and
- advising on and facilitate researchers’ compliance with funders’ and publishers’ requirements on RDM and open data/data sharing
Terms of Reference and Composition of the CRDM
Aims of the Research Data Management Project
- Provide best practice guidelines in managing, preserving, and sharing of research data
- Implement tools to support creation of data management plan for research proposal
- Develop the infrastructure of the CUHK Research Data Repository for research data deposit
- Foster researchers’ awareness on RDM through training and education programmes
- Integrate RDM training with research education of postgraduate students
- Set up an incentivizing RDM programme to promote best practice of data management within Faculties and Departments
Our Trainings
- Workshops on RDM for researchers and students
- On-demand seminars on RDM for faculty and departments
- Online self-learning RDM package
- One-on-one consultations on RDM