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Data Management Plan: Create a DMP

This guide introduces what a research data management plan (DMP) is, its content, the rationale of writing a DMP, and resources on DMP.

Create a Plan

1. After you sign into your account, you are popped to your dashboard. Click "Create Plan" to start creating your DMP.

Click "Create Plan"


2. Input the project title and select the primary funding organization, if available on DMPTool. Click "Create plan". The DMP template of the primary funding organization will be used for creating your DMP.  You can also use the CUHK DMP Template.

Create a new plan


  If you would like the template of your funding agencies to be available on DMPTool, please contact the Library at

CUHK DMP Template

The CUHK DMP Template is available with the following steps:

  • Check "No funder associated with this plan or my funder is not listed" on the "Create a new plan" page
  • Select "CUHK Data Management Plan Template" from the list under the question "Which DMP template would you like to use?"


Select "No funder associated with this plan or my funder is not listed" for more templates


The content and guidance of the CUHK DMP Template appears in the "Write Plan" tab.  More details about the topics covered in the Template are listed on this page.

Project Details & Write Plan

Under the "Project Details" tab, you can input the details of your project.

You may choose from the full list under "Select Guidance" for guidance provided by institutions of your own choice. The selected guidance will be shown under the "Write Plan" tab. 

If you use the CUHK DMP Template, the guidance from CUHK will be shown automatically, without the need to choose from the full list.

Select Guidance


Guidance is shown under "Write Plan" tab:​​​​Guidance shown

Research Outputs

1. To prepare for linking your DMPs to your research output(s) in the future, you can list your anticipated research output(s) by clicking "Add a research output" button under the "Research Outputs" tab.

Add a research output


2. Fill in details about your intended research output(s) in the following page.

New research output


  The range of anticipated research output is wide.

  Select the type of research output


3. You can click "Add a repository" to link the DMP to the repositories where you will deposit your research output(s). The CUHK Research Data Repository is also listed.  Type "CUHK" in the keyword field to find it out.

Add a repository


4. You may initially assign a license to your research outputs. CC-BY-NC is recommended.

Initial license


Under "Collaborators", you can add the details of contributors and invite collaborators. Keeping a good record of ORCID here can facilitate the DMPs to be associated with the contributors properly.  ORCID of PIs will be shown in the final DMP.

Add the details of contributors


Information of multiple contributors could be added.  The role of the contributors could be data manager, principal investigator, or project administrator.

Edit contributor

Download a Plan

Download the plan in various formats with the selected content. The formats include: csv, html, pdf, text, docx, json. It is suggested to check also "project details coversheet".

Download plan as specific format

Publish Your Plan

When your plan is ready, you may share it with the CUHK community (Organization) or the worldwide DMPTool users (Public).

Set plan visibility

Register for a DMP ID and Connect with ORCID

DMP IDs track connections between your DMP with research outputs such as datasets and articles. To register a "DMP ID" for your plan, you have to complete the followings:

1. answer at least 50% of questions

2. identify your funder under the "Project Details" tab, for instance: 

Identify your funder

3. link your DMPTool account to your ORCID via your DMPTool "3rd party applications" page

Link DMPTool account to ORCID


4. plan is not a mock project for testing, practice, or educational purposes


Once the above steps are satisfied, you can click the Register button to register an ID for your plan. The record of the DMP will be added to your ORCID profile.

Register for a DMP ID

Which DMP Template shall I use?

If no DMP templates is provided by your funding agency on DMPTool, you may use the CUHK DMP Template for creating a DMP.  For more details, click here.

Templates of Your Funding Agencies

If you would like the template of your funding agencies to be available on DMPTool, please contact the Library at