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GRMD1403 Resources, Society and Environment: GIS Learning Resources

Learn ArcGIS in Videos

ArcGIS Pro Quick-Start Tutorials

Esri, the developer of ArcGIS Pro, has created a YouTube channel for users to learn the software. Not only tutorials of ArcGIS Pro, this channel has various contents on ArcGIS such as Smart Mapping, Story Maps, and more. Beside watching videos, Esri also provides step-by-step tutorial online.

Common skills for working with data in ArcGIS Pro

List of online short tutorials on preparing, managing and troubleshooting spatial data with ArcGIS Pro, produced by Esri.

Online Learning Resources

MOOC courses:

  • Map Your World With GIS
    The online course is offered by UC Davis in partnership with ArcGIS developer Esri as a free course for people who want learn about GIS.
  • Esri's MOOC Program
    Esri's MOOCs offer free online classes on the latest development of the ArcGIS system. Those classes are available day and night, taking around a few hours every week. After completing the course, a certificate would be presented.

Simple map creating guides for grass-root organizations and media (in Chinese):

Dr. Leung Kai Chi who is teaching infographics in School of Journalism and Communication in The Chinese University of Hong Kong has written the following guides for newbies in creating maps (in Chinese):

Books in CUHK Library

Beginner's Guide to Google Earth Pro