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[Draft] How to use LibrarySearch: Renew, Holds and Recalls


Renewing items allows you to extend the original loan period for the items already checked out. Except for items that are on short loan (e.g. course reserves, current journals, Instructional Materials Collection (IMC) and laptops etc.) or being recalled/ requested by other library users, all CUHK loaned materials can be automatically renewed. The new due date is calculated from the date of renewal. You can check your loans online via My Library Record. If an item cannot be automatically renewed, you will receive a library notice in advance and the item must be returned on or before the due date. Unlimited renewals will only apply to CUHK items with a loan period of 30 days or more if the items are not being requested by other library users.

 Overdue items may also be renewed. The overdue fine will be charged to your account and can be settled online or when you come to the Library.

How to renew the borrowed items?

Library users can renew the borrowed items in person or online via My Library Record anytime, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Logon to your "My Library Record" at the Library Homepage.
  2. Click "LOANS".
  3. Click “RENEW” button on the item to be renewed (no “RENEW” button will be shown when renewal is not applicable, e.g. recalled, etc.) or “RENEW ALL” to renew all checked out items, or select the checkbox of the items to be renewed, then click “RENEW SELECTED”.
  4. For successful renewal, a word “RENEWED” and the new due date will be displayed on the record. A message "Only some loans have been successfully renewed" will be displayed if not all renewals were successful.


Holds and recalls allow users to request items that are currently checked out to other users.

How to place a hold?

       1. When an item is checked out, click on the title


       2. Under the "Get it" section, click on "Request"


       3. Select the Pickup Location from the pull-down menu, and click on "REQUEST"


After the hold is placed, a Hold Pickup notice will be sent to you by email when the requested item is ready for pickup. Items on hold have to be picked up by the date specified on the Hold Pickup notice, or it will be canceled automatically after that date.


Number of holds can be placed:

Category Number of Holds
Undergraduate students 10
Postgraduate students 20
Research staff 20
Teaching staff (Terms A) 20
Teaching staff (Terms B) 20
Administrative staff (Terms A) 20
Honorary Clinical Lecturer 20
General non-teaching staff (Terms B) 10
Staff members of Terms C 10
Emeritus professors 20


What is a recall?

A recall is a request by the library to get a book back from a borrower as soon as possible.  The hold service may lead to a recall of the checked out items and shorten their due date if they are on loan for 30 days or more. The new due date will be shown in a users’ Library Record at LibrarySearch and in the Recall Notice sent to the user via email.

How should I respond to a recall?

If you receive a Recall Notice, you should observe the new due date mentioned in the Recall Notice.  Late return of recalled items will incur a fine at $5/item/day. To avoid not being able to return recalled items on time, users are strongly advised not to take borrowed items outside Hong Kong.

To ensure receiving important notices from the Library without delay, users must add/update their email address via their My Library Record on the Library homepage.

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