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Law Database Guides: 北大法寶

Legal Abbreviations

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北大法寶 is one of the most comprehensive bilingual databases for searching PRC laws and regulations (since 1949), cases, journal articles, and gazettes.

1. CUHK users can search the database title "pkulaw" directly on CUHK Library Homepage under LibrarySearch tab, and then click "browse" button.


2. Click the given link to access


3. Or access through A-Z Databases by Law page under #.


4. If you are not automatically logged in with CUHK IP account, click cuhkuls, then click IP登录 (IP Login). are also available for searching PRC legal materials.

A Brief Comparison of Major Chinese Law Databases has been created on our Law Database Guides.

  1. 法律法规 – Searching for laws and regulations, interpretation of laws, etc.
  2. 司法案例 - Searching for cases
  3. 法学期刊 – Searching for journal articles
  4. 律师实务 – Searching for Practice areas
  5. 专题参考 – Searching for commentary
  6. English – Searching for all materials in English (if available) 
  7. 法宝视频 – Searching for videos
  8. 刑事法宝 – Searching for all materials related to criminal law
  9. 检察文书 – searching for all materials promulgated by people’s procuratorates at various levels

5. Click a tab for searching a particular legal source. For example, if you are looking for legislation, click 法律法规 (laws & regulations). Type in keywords or a title in Simplified Chinese and then choose whether the search term appears in title, text or document number, and then click 开始检索 (Search).


6. Open a search result, under 法條聯想, all relevant information is provided (e.g. regulations, cases, articles etc) to that law and is linked to fulltext if available.


7. Enter a search term and click “search”. If you need to search in specific fields e.g. levels of courts, judicial procedures, and types of judgments etc, you may use the filters on the left or go to Advanced Search 高级检索 for more detailed searches.


8. After opening the case, you may click 目录 (Table of Contents) to view each section of the judgment. Under 法條聯想, links to similar cases handled by the same court and cases with same legal points etc are listed.


9. PKULAW.CN has a comprehensive collection of well-known Chinese journals. You may search by keywords, or browse by subjects or journals.


10. Click English to search translated / English PRC legal materials.


11. To download, open a search result and Bilingual version of the law is given. Click the link “Download”. A popbox will appear, users can decide the format and language of the document