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Religious Ethics and Chinese Culture: Quick Guide

Citing References Tools

Follow these classification numbers on the shelves to find information on:

The following table lists the call number of books of various Religious Ethics and Chinese Culture categories in the Library. The books are mainly housed on the first floor of the Chung Chi Elisabeth Luce Moore Library (see right map). 

Please note: the table only lists out the major scope of particular categories. Other related books and e-books subscribed by the Library need to be located via the LibrarySearch.

General: Religions . Mythology . Rationalism BL1 - 2790
Bible BS1 - 2970
Buddhism BQ1 - 9800
Christian denominations BX1 - 9999
     Catholic Church BX800 - 4795
     Protestantism BX4800 - 9999
Christianity BR1 - 1725
     Reformation BR300 - 420
China BL1800 - 1975
     Confucianism BL1830 - 1883
     Taoism BL1899 - 1942.85
Doctrinal theology BT10 - 1480
     Christian sociology BT738
     Philosophical theology BT40
Hinduism BL1100 - 1295
Islam . Bahai Faith . Theosophy BP1 - 610
Judaism BM1 - 990
Practical theology BV1 - 5099

Location Map

Books on Religious Ethics and Chinese Culture are mainly housed on the first floor of the Chung Chi Elisabeth Luce Moore Library

Faculty Liaison Librarian (Faculty of Arts)

Profile Photo
Leo Ma
‧ The Chinese University of Hong Kong, New Asia College Ch'ien Mu Library

‧ The Chinese University of Hong Kong, United College Wu Chung Library

(852) 3943-7658