CUHK has established the CUHK Research Data Repository with the open-source software Dataverse under the TRUST data repository principle: Transparency, Responsibility, User Focus, Sustainability, Technology. CUHK researchers can deposit their research data to the CUHK Research Data Repository in order to:
- meet the requirements of publishers and funders
- preserve and share the research data to the scholarly community
- increase the research impact and citation counts
Benefits for CUHK Members
The CUHK Research Data Repository has been implemented in September 2022. It allows CUHK researchers to:
- deposit datasets and manage data folders with research team members
- describe and preserve datasets in various formats
- publish and share datasets with persistent identifiers (e.g. doi)
- share datasets to social media platforms
- learn the impact of the dataset (e.g. views, downloads, citations)
CUHK researchers can publish datasets of their research outputs for preservation and reuse. They can also deposit data underlying a manuscript for peer review purpose. If any help on data deposit is needed, researchers may contact the Research Data Team by filling the online form.
A self-help guide is available about the CUHK Research Data Repository.
Benefits for Researchers from Worldwide
Researchers from worldwide can:
- search and discover datasets deposited in the CUHK Research Data Repository via search engines
- cite and re-use the datasets
- contact dataset owners for collaboration
- request access or additional information of datasets, if necessary
- discover the CUHK Research Data Repository from the Dataverse installation map