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Chinese Medicine: Special Collections

莊兆祥教授知足書室藏書    Professor Cheung Siu-cheong Chinese Medicine Collection


2014年, 香港中文大學圖書館喜獲中醫學院前院長江潤祥教授贈予「莊兆祥教授中醫學藏書」。


  • 眼科龍木論》是中國現存最早的眼科學專著,對72種眼科病症提出詳細的診治方法,為明代的珍本,世間罕有,極為珍貴。
  • 丹臺玉案》亦是存世罕見的善本,收集了明代名醫的秘方,涉及臨床各科,堪稱明代醫學的典範。
  • 景岳全書》由明代醫學大家張景岳所著,為中醫學巨著之一。同文堂新刊本於1765年發行,距《景岳全書》首次付梓年份(1700年)僅65年,故極具文獻學價值,對研究張景岳學術思想有積極作用。
  • 傷寒溫疫條辨》為清代溫病學代表作之一,力倡寒溫分立,其中所創製的「升降散」藥方,至今依然為中醫界所常用之方。


有關數碼化版本詳情,請瀏覽 『香港中文大學圖書館』中醫古典文庫 。


「莊兆祥教授知足書室藏書」的全部書目,可透過 檢索易 查閱 。



星期一至五 上午九時至下午五時三十分

如有查詢,請致電 3943 8740 或電郵至


Professor Cheung Siu-cheong Chinese Medicine Collection

In 2014, the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library is greatly honored to receive the invaluable “Professor Cheung Siu-cheong Chinese Medicine Collection” donated by Professor Kong Yun Cheung, ex-director of the School of Chinese Medicine.

There are around 8 titles regarded as rare books and the rest are mainly semi-rare and Minguo publications.  The Library has digitized part of the Collection in order to preserve the valuable contents and to enhance research, teaching and learning of Chinese medicine.

For details of the digital copies, please visit "Chinese Medicine Texts Collection" of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library.


The full list of “Professor Cheung Siu-cheong Chinese Medicine Collection” could be located via LibrarySearch.

For reading the collection, please visit the Special Collections Reading Room (3/F, University Library)

Service hours:

Monday-Friday  9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

For enquiries, please call at 3943 8740 or email to
