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This Blog aims to inform students and staff of developments at the Law Library and new resources and websites that the Library has either subscribed to or added to the various Selected Internet Resources pages that we maintain on the Law Library webpage.
Weblogs - "blawgs" as they are known in legal circles - are the latest trend in legal communication. Blawgs are essentially online diaries or journals allowing readers to be quickly informed of changes and developments in the law.
(Law Library of Congress)
The Law Library of Congress began harvesting legal blawgs in 2007. The collection has grown to more than one hundred items covering a broad cross section of legal topics. Blawgs can also be retrieved by keywords or browsed by subject, name, or title.
This blog, run by academics belonging to the Faculty of Law at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, serves as a platform for the exchange of ideas on how to improve teaching and learning.
Jeremy Phillips and Ilanah Simon from the Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute write about copyright, patent, trade mark and privacy/confidentiality issues from a mainly UK and European perspective.