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Architecture: Quick Guide


This guide introduces selected resources on Architecture available in the CUHK Library and on the Internet. For assistance, please send your questions via Live Chat or contact the relevant faculty liaison librarian.


Virtual Library Tour

360 VR Tour

Architecture Library Floor Plan


ARL Floor Plan

Location Map


Architecture Library is located on 3/F & 4/F,   Lee Shau Kee Architecture Building (ARC).

Subjects collected

The following table lists the call number of books of various Architecture categories located at the Architecture Library.

Please note the table only lists out the major scope of particular categories. Other related books and e-books subscribed by the Library need to be located via the LibrarySearch.

 Major Subjects  LC Class
 Architectural Design  NA
 Architectural Practice & Management  NA
 Architecture History and theory  NA
 Architecture Photography  TR
 Art theory  N
 Building Construction  TH
 Cities And Town. Urban History  DS
 City Planning. Urban Development  HT
 Computer-Aided Design  TK
 Graphic Design  NC
 Historic Preservation  TH
 Housing  HD
 Interior Decoration  NK
 Landscape Architecture. Gardens  SB
 Structural Design  TA


 Minor Subjects  LC Class
 Environmental Issues  GE
 Furniture Design  NK
 Industrial Design  NK / TS
 Sculpture  NB



Branch Librarian, Chung Chi College Elisabeth Luce Moore Library and Architecture Library

Profile Photo
Linda Lee
Chung Chi College Elisabeth Luce Moore Library / Architecture Library
The Chinese Univesity of Hong Kong
(852) 3943 6966

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The image of the Architecture Library