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New Asia College Library Exhibition Archive 新亞書院圖書館展覽庫

Title: In a Daze (Solo Display)​
名稱: 《放空》(個展)
Artist: Ho Sau Wai, Sharon
作者: 何秀慧
Date: 25 January - 5 February 2021 
日期: 2021年1月25日至2月5日
Statement: “Placid as the peaceful waters of a deep pool, buoyant as an unfastened boat. Find no cause for complacency in life, but cultivate emptiness and drift.” – 《Fu Niao Fu》

Busy makes people feel important. It feels good to be busy, and there is a connection to feeling accomplished or successful and wanting to share that with others. Everyone wants to be heard and appreciated. However, it might also enhance people deep down to confusing and tiring.

In a daze – is a comfortable way to help me to decide for myself and release my soul.
It does not mean that you need to escape the difficulties. It has merely made the necessity of solving an existing one. Try to let yourself have a relaxing moment to calm down. Maybe you will find another interesting aspect to deal with the problem.

“Human is an artist. The dream of your life is to make beautiful art.” – Don Miguel Ruiz 
There is a question in my mind – What is art? For me, art is a communication to connect different race of people. Therefore, I create as I not only enthesis in art, but also, I want to express my feelings and perspective to different people through it. 
My creative work includes my personality, which is quiet and dreamy. In my opinion, artworks can reflect the artist’s inner world and their thought. I believe that life is full of ups and downs. There are many solutions. In a daze – is a comfortable way to help me to decide myself and release my soul. In this exhibition, my inspiration is come from my trance moment, which is between the interesting space of reality and dream. I hope that everyone can understand me from another light. 
Many of my artworks are using the media of Chinese ink painting. I noticed that even though ink is a dark and cannot be removed pigment, but it can create a soft space. With the changes of color, it can explore different effect. It is full of infinite possibilities, that suitable to use it as a media to express human feelings. 

As a Fine Arts student, I understand that creating is not an easy work. It is through of difficulties in the process. No matter how hard it is, I wish I can show my wonderful artwork to everyone.

簡介: 「澹乎若深泉之靜,泛乎若不系之舟。不以生故自寶兮,養空而浮。」— 《鵩 鳥賦》 

 隨著時間流逝,無聲無息的歲月便將你捲入不同的煩惱、抉擇、忙碌⋯⋯之中。 於是人們常常為焦慮而焦慮,生活多少都被負累所纏繞。面對困倦迷茫,我選擇 了放空。 
放空,並不代表對現實的逃避和放棄自己,而是為了尋找更好的自己。沉澱自己 的心靈,讓內心歸零。透過放空暫時拋開世俗的一切,從另一角度體驗生命。世事無常,事情或許並非如自己所想般糟糕,而是更有趣更耐人尋味。 

“Human is an artist. The dream of your life is to make beautiful art.” – Don Miguel Ruiz 
甚麼是藝術?對藝術系的學生來說,這個問題並不陌生。而我亦一直尋找這個答 案。我認為藝術是一道溝通的橋梁,能夠拉近人彼此的關係。 
我非常認同藝術能夠展現創作者的內心世界。創作不單是能夠表達個人感受和觀 點,也能讓別人從另一角度去認識自己。我的作品往往顯得安靜和虛幻。其創作 靈感大多來自放空的時候及夢境之中。唯獨放空自己才能使我從充滿高低起伏的 生活中得到喘息,真正地解放自我。 
然而,水墨是一個充滿無限可能性的媒介。墨一旦滴在紙上就會成為一個永不消 失的烙印。但墨的深淺可以呈現不同的繪畫效果,如人的情緒般充滿很多的變化。 故此,我喜歡以水墨作表現個人心境的媒介。 
是次展覽作品主題將會遊走在真實與夢境中,希望觀眾們能夠從不同角度去了解 作者。 


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