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New Asia College Library Exhibition Archive 新亞書院圖書館展覽庫

Wu Wei-shan's Painting 吳為山繪畫展

Wu Wei-shan's Painting 吳為山繪畫展 (2004)

筆下繽紛 - 馮逸麟水彩畫展 (Chinese version only)

筆下繽紛 - 馮逸麟水彩畫展 (2005)

A Matter of Time 因為時間的緣故

A Matter of Time 因為時間的緣故 (2006)

Exhibition by Fine Arts Department Year 2 Students

Exhibition by Fine Arts Department Year 2 Students  中大藝術系二年級聯展 (2007)

Exhibition by Kong Chun Hei

Exhibition by Kong Chun Hei 《了人》- 鄺鎮禧個人作品展 (2008)

畢^流 Ng Sheung Chu & Chiu Ka Kit Joint Exhibition 伍尚臻 x 趙家杰聯合影展

畢^流 Ng Sheung Chu & Chiu Ka Kit Joint Exhibition  畢^流  伍尚臻 x 趙家杰聯合影展 (2009)

Exhibition of Chinese Calligraphy & Paintings by C.F. Lee 李直方書畫展

Exhibition of Chinese Calligraphy & Paintings by C.F. Lee 李直方書畫展 (2010)

eulogies for xxx|etc etc ? - Joint exhibition by Chan Pak Chuen & Cheung Tsz Hin 陳柏泉、張子軒作品聯展

eulogies for xxx|etc etc ? - Joint exhibition by Chan Pak Chuen & Cheung Tsz Hin 陳柏泉、張子軒作品聯展 (2011)

Ink Fantasy: Joint Exhibition of Cheuk Ka Wai & Wong Cho Kiu  墨.想 - 卓家慧.黃楚翹聯展

Ink Fantasy: Joint Exhibition of Cheuk Ka Wai & Wong Cho Kiu  墨.想 - 卓家慧.黃楚翹聯展 (2012)

It's hard to say說來難盡

It's hard to say說來難盡  (2013)

Joint Exhibition of Hui Sze Lok Serene & Suen Nuen Amy 許思樂孫煖聯展

Joint Exhibition of Hui Sze Lok Serene & Suen Nuen Amy 許思樂孫煖聯展 (2014)

Please stay - Solo exhibition of So Tsz Yau 樓-蘇子柔個人作品展

Please stay - Solo exhibition of So Tsz Yau 樓-蘇子柔個人作品展 (2015)

"A Date with Zalaegerszeg"-- Exhibition of Ng Po Lin 《與札雷格塞挌的約會》—伍寶蓮作品展 (2016)

épochè 存而不論​ (2017)

Reading Report 閱讀報告 (2018)

Step by Step, Little by Little 漸 (2019)

The Spirit of Chinese Ancient - Art is Still Lingering 千年凝錦 餘彩徘徊 (2020)

In a Daze 放空 (2021)

Our 12 Years 我們的十二年(2022)

Current Event 今期活動

Title: Display of Publications by Professor Nicolas Standaert, Ch'ien Mu Lecture in History and Culture    

Date: 27 February - 31 March 2023

Venue: G/F, New Asia College Ch'ien Mu Library

Exhibits: Books and articles 



More photos are available in New Asia College Library Exhibition Archive.

Coming Event 活動預告

Title: We are all Spiritual Beings (Solo Display)
名稱:靈性過渡 (個展)

Artist: Ho Chi Wing

Date: 6 – 17 March 2023

Venue: New Asia College Ch'ien Mu Library

Artist Chi Wing Ho (b.2001) is currently pursuing B.A. at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, graduating in 2023. Her artistic practice includes performance art, installation, moving images and text. Ho’s artworks mainly revolve around issues of family of origin, religion and intimacy, opening her "internal" eyes, looking into the depths of "self", and pondering each life stage to achieve self-healing and reflection. She sees herself as a facilitator and often invites people into her art practices for interaction, direct dialogue, and deep connections. For her, creation is the process of opening the” internal “eye, peeling off the inner layer by layer, until only the central core is left, and solving the process of how people "pass through".

藝術家 何知穎 生於2001年,現正香港中文大學修讀藝術學士學位,於2023年畢業,她的藝術實踐包括行為藝術、裝置、影像、文字。她的作品圍繞着原生家庭、宗教和親密關係等問題展開,注視著「自我」深處,消化生命階段的感悟,達致對自身療癒及反思。她習慣經常邀請人們納入作品之中互動,直接對話與即時連結。對她而言,創作是打開向內之眼,一層層剝落內在、清空,直到只剩下中心的核,解決人如何 “渡過” 之過程。



Current Event 今期活動

Title: Wordview (Wenziguan) - Cyrus Cheung’s Solo Display

Artist: Cheung Chu Yin Cyrus

Date: 20 February – 3 March 2023

Venue: New Asia College Ch'ien Mu Library

In the prologue of Shuowen Jiezi, Xushen explained that the Chinese word “wen” refer to pictograms, while the Chinese word “zi” refers to the words developed later for more complicated usage. The word “guan” has lots of meanings, namely, observation, value, and Daoist temple. With the combination of these different meanings, not only does it bring the topics of my work, but also conclude my research in these four years. Cyrus Cheung was born in 2001 and graduated from Raimondi College in 2019. He is a fourth-year student from the department of Fine Art in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. During his undergraduate study, he exchanged to the University of Leeds in the UK. Also, he has been concentrated in Chinese calligraphy and seal carving. Because of their variable shapes, their simple and unsophisticated style, he was intrigued by the ancient seal scripts. His work mainly focuses on the application of Chinese characters, for example, analects, mythological texts, and names.




More photos are available in New Asia College Library Exhibition Archive.