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New Asia College Library Exhibition Archive 新亞書院圖書館展覽庫

Exhibition Details

Title: The Ends of the Earth (Solo Display)
名稱: 地盡頭 (個展)
Artist: Wong Man Hei Iris
作者: 黃文晞
Date: 6 – 17 February 2023 
日期: 2022年2月6日至17日
Venue: New Asia College Ch'ien Mu Library
地點: 新亞書院錢穆圖書館
Statement: Travelling through space and time, they finally realized there's no differences between worlds.  They wanted to go back.  Yet, they were trapped here, a world they were reluctant to stay, but could never escape from.
簡介: 穿越時間和空間,她們發現新舊的世界沒有兩樣,她們依然被困在這個不情願停留,卻又逃脫不了的世界。

Exhibition Details

Poster 海報