中大文物館明清廣東繪畫展轉換展品 |
1983-01-05 |
1 |
[譚尚渭教授演講《廿五年來有機化學之重要發展》] |
1983-01-12 |
1 |
教育學院教育文憑課程及文科(教育)碩士課程招生 |
1983-01-15 |
1 |
[The School of Education inviting applications for postgraduate Diploma-in-Education] |
1983-01-15 |
2 |
[紀大衛教授演講《談講音樂》] |
1983-01-19 |
1 |
[三年制工商管理碩士課程市區中心開幕典禮] |
1983-01-20 |
1 |
[Opening ceremony of the Town Centre of The Chinese University of Hong Kong's 3-Year MBA Programme] |
1983-01-20 |
1 |
北京中國社會科學院歷史研究員李學勤教授昨日抵港應中大中國文化研究所邀請來講學 |
1983-01-25 |
1 |
香港中文大學開辦音樂科哲學碩士課程 |
1983-01-31 |
1 |
[Launch of Master of Philosophy Programme in Music] |
1983-01-31 |
1 |
[教師教育研討會] |
1983-02-05 |
1 |
[黃慰文先生演講《周口店(北京人遺址)中國古人類學》] |
1983-02-08 |
1 |
[電子計算系安設新電腦VAX-11/780系統] |
1983-02-10 |
1 |
[The Department of Computer Science installed new VAX-11/780 computer system] |
1983-02-10 |
1 |
[楊振寧教授講座延期] |
1983-02-17 |
1 |
[楊振寧教授演講《讀書教學四十年》] |
1983-02-27 |
1 |
[「現代化與中國文化研討會」將於中大舉行] |
1983-03-04 |
1 |
[International Conference on "Modernization and Chinese Culture"] |
1983-03-04 |
1 |
香港上海匯豐銀行社會工作獎助學金 |
1983-03-08 |
1 |
兼讀學士學位課程招生 |
1983-03-08 |
6 |
Announcement on Part-time Degree Programmes 1983 - 84 |
1983-03-08 |
4 |
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking CorporationSocial Work Scholarships and Bursaries 1982/83 |
1983-03-08 |
1 |
中國文化研究所進行整理研究晚清郵傳部尚書盛宣懷手稿 |
1983-03-15 |
1 |
[Kenneth Simmonds教授演講《廿五年來英國之行政管理》] |
1983-03-18 |
1 |
司徒新教授學業優異獎 |
1983-03-29 |
1 |
Business Administration Students Get Awards |
1983-03-29 |
1 |
[錢穆教授演講《中國文化演進之幾個階程》] |
1983-03-30 |
1 |
[Lecture "Stages of the Evolution of Chinese Culture" by Profesor Ch'ien Mu] |
1983-03-30 |
1 |
[捷和鄭氏基金獎學金頒贈儀式] |
1983-03-31 |
1 |
[Chiap Hua Cheng Foundation Scholarship presentation ceremony] |
1983-03-31 |
1 |
[錢穆教授演講《中國文化演進之幾個階程》] |
1983-04-05 |
1 |
[Lecture "Stages of the Evolution of Chinese Culture" by Profesor Ch'ien Mu] |
1983-04-05 |
1 |
[大學教務會實施新收生制度] |
1983-04-14 |
3 |
[The University Senate approved new admissions system] |
1983-04-14 |
3 |
[一九七九年度畢業生就業調查結果] |
1983-04-21 |
2 |
[Study result on the career development of 1979 graduat es] |
1983-04-21 |
3 |
藝術系學位試作品展覽 |
1983-05-16 |
1 |
[訓練管理文憑課程開始接受入學申請] |
1983-05-18 |
1 |
[Diploma Course in Training Management invited applications] |
1983-05-18 |
1 |
藝術系學位試作品展覽 |
1983-05-21 |
1 |
Fine Arts Degree Examination Exhibition |
1983-05-21 |
1 |
New Teachers Poised For Their Career |
1983-06-16 |
1 |
一九八三年度中大藝術系系展 |
1983-06-21 |
1 |
CUHK Annual Fine Arts Exhibition 1983 |
1983-06-21 |
1 |
[中大訓練管理文憑課程獲得英國訓練與發展學會認可] |
1983-06-24 |
1 |
[CUHK Diploma Course in Training Management gained recognition from the Institute of Training and Development (lTD) in the U.K.] |
1983-06-24 |
1 |
[一九八三-八四年度本科課程申請入學辦法] |
1983-06-28 |
3 |
中大崇基學院設立「宋啟鄖獎學金」 |
1983-06-30 |
1 |
[Chung Chi College established John Soong Scholarship] |
1983-06-30 |
1 |
明愛醫院獲伍絜宜榮休紀念基金捐贈 |
1983-07-05 |
1 |
教育學院教育研討會 |
1983-07-06 |
1 |
高級程度會考考生申請入讀醫學臨牀前期第一年級辦法 |
1983-07-12 |
1 |
[萬國商業機械公司向中大提供電算機系統] |
1983-07-18 |
1 |
[CUHK signed partnership programme with IBM World Trade Corporation on computer system rental] |
1983-07-18 |
1 |
[中大將舉行兩次頒授學位典禮] |
1983-08-02 |
1 |
[Two Congergations will be held in CUHK] |
1983-08-02 |
1 |
中大文物館舉辦晚清官窰瓷器展覽 |
1983-08-12 |
1 |
衛星遙感︰太空時代紀錄和規劃地面的工具 |
1983-08-18 |
1 |
["Workshop on Remote Sensing" will be held] |
1983-08-18 |
1 |
[一九八三年度新生取錄名單] |
1983-08-20 |
1 |
中國文化研究所舉辦中國近代思想研討會 |
1983-08-25 |
1 |
[「國際中國古文字學研討會」即將舉行] |
1983-09-01 |
1 |
[International Conference on "Ancient Chinese Scripts " will be held] |
1983-09-01 |
1 |
[國際中國古文字學研討會] |
1983-09-05 |
2 |
[中大實施暫取新生辦法] |
1983-09-05 |
1 |
[International Conference on "Ancient Chinese Scripts"] |
1983-09-05 |
1 |
[「中國古文字學研討會」第一天] |
1983-09-06 |
1 |
[「中國古文字學研討會」第二天] |
1983-09-07 |
1 |
[「中國古文字學研討會」最後一天] |
1983-09-08 |
1 |
[《佛學》下冊將於九月下旬出版] |
1983-09-13 |
1 |
北京社會科學院歷史研究所研究員胡厚宣教授應中大中國文化研究所邀請主持學術研討會 |
1983-09-16 |
1 |
[馬洪教授演講《從經濟角度看中國現代化的前景》] |
1983-09-16 |
1 |
大學委任講座教授及客座教授 |
1983-09-19 |
1 |
[Appointment of professors and visiting professor] |
1983-09-19 |
2 |
[Lecture "Prospects for Modernization in China - An Economic Perspective" by Professor Ma Hong] |
1983-09-19 |
1 |
香港中文大學文物館晚清官窰瓷展 |
1983-09-20 |
1 |
[馬洪教授演講《從經濟角度看中國現代化的前景》] |
1983-09-26 |
1 |
[童恩正教授演講《雲南古代的滇文化》] |
1983-09-26 |
1 |
[Lecture "Prospects for Modernization in China - An Economic Perspective" by Professor Ma Hong] |
1983-09-26 |
1 |
[「香港與德國之青年問題」座談會] |
1983-09-27 |
1 |
[Symposium on "Youth Problems in Hong Kong and in Germany "] |
1983-09-27 |
1 |
[王世襄先生演講《中國古代家俱》及《中國古代漆器》] |
1983-10-04 |
1 |
[李卓敏博士演講《工商管理與大學教育》] |
1983-10-10 |
1 |
[Lecture "Business Administration and University Education" by Dr. Choh-Ming Li] |
1983-10-10 |
1 |
香港中文大學第廿五屆典禮 |
1983-10-14 |
1 |
[李卓敏博士講座延期] |
1983-10-15 |
1 |
[創校二十週年紀念暨頒授榮譽學位典禮] |
1983-10-17 |
1 |
[25th Congregation in commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the University] |
1983-10-17 |
1 |
[閔建蜀教授演講《中國的社會主義市場與計劃組合》] |
1983-10-25 |
1 |
政府職位資料展覽 |
1983-11-03 |
1 |
Civil Service Careers Exhibition |
1983-11-03 |
1 |
[俞振飛先生演講《我與崑劇六十年》] |
1983-11-05 |
1 |
[俞振飛先生演講《我與崑劇六十年》] |
1983-11-08 |
1 |
[湯家豪教授演講《時間、不定數與統計學》] |
1983-11-09 |
1 |
[上海崑劇團將於中大演出] |
1983-11-10 |
1 |
[Exhibition "Archaeological Finds from Han Tombs at Guangzhou and Hong Kong " in Art Gallery] |
1983-11-17 |
1 |
[文物館《穗港漢墓出土文物展覽》] |
1983-11-17 |
2 |
[李英豪館長演講《漢代番禺(廣州)的食、住、行》] |
1983-11-19 |
1 |
[徐文珊教授演講《由文化人類學看司馬遷史記》] |
1983-11-22 |
1 |
香港中文大學第廿六屆頒授學位典禮 |
1983-12-06 |
1 |
[第廿六屆頒授各科學位典禮] |
1983-12-08 |
1 |
[鍾汝滔教授演講《通貨膨脹與通脹會計》] |
1983-12-13 |
1 |
[夏鼐教授演講《中國考古學的現狀和展望》] |
1983-12-15 |
1 |
[夏鼐教授演講《中國考古學的現狀和展望》] |
1983-12-16 |
1 |
電子計算系畢業生獲專業學會認可 |
1983-12-22 |
1 |
CUHK Computer Science Graduates Gain Professional Recognition |
1983-12-22 |
1 |