Title: | Watercolor exhibition of Dai Kai Chee on CU Landscape |
名稱: | 水色交融 情感意象 - 戴繼志中大校園景色作品展 |
Artist: | Dai Kai Chee |
作者: | 戴繼志 |
Date: | 30 November - 13 December 2013 |
日期: |
2013年11月30日至12月13日 |
Artist Statement: |
Mr. Dai was graduated from CU Education Diploma (majored in Fine Arts). This exhibition is to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Chinese University. Mr. Dai will use the watercolour as the media to express his emotion to the natural and beautiful landscape of the CU campus as well as its development all these years. |
展覽簡介: |
戴繼志老師曾於中大教育學院修畢教育文憑(在職學位教師,主修美術),是次展覽是為了配合中大五十周年校慶,用水彩畫的藝術表達對中大美麗校園景色與發展的情懷;同時希望通過是次的展覽在大學的校園裡積極推廣文化藝術、全人教育、豐富師生課餘生活。也希望以畫會友,借此機會廣泛聯繫中大的校友。 |