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Open Access: CUHK OA Publishing Plan

Library Support to Open Access (OA) Publishing

Traditionally, institutions subscribe to journals with a subscription fee so that the institutional members can access journal content that would otherwise be behind a paywall. OA publishing allows anyone to access and re-use the journal content subject to license terms at no cost. To publish an OA article, authors usually need to pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to the publisher. With OA agreements between institutions and publishers, funds used for subscriptions are partially allocated for paying the APC on behalf of authors of the institution. 

2022/23 Open Access Publishing Workshop

1. CUHK Open Access Publishing Plan

The workshop will cover:

  • What is Open Access (OA) and its implication on research impact
  • Highlights of CUHK OA Publishing Plan
  • How to deposit full texts in the Academic Information Management System (AIMS) and related copyright issues
  • Hints for publishing in OA journals

Date: 1 Feb 2023 (Wed)
Time: 4:00 p.m.  – 5:00 p.m.
Registration: HERE

2. Publishing Open Access in Wiley & Hindawi Journals

Starting from 1 Jan 2023, the CUHK Library has entered an Open Access (OA) agreement with Wiley. CUHK corresponding authors can publish OA articles in Wiley and Hindawi journals free of charge. This online workshop provided by Wiley will cover the followings:

  • The benefits of OA publishing
  • How you can benefit from the CUHK-Wiley OA agreement
  • Wiley Author Services workflow for requesting article process charge waivers
  • Tips for successful publishing

Speaker: Fabio Di Bello, Customer Success Manager, Wiley
Date: 28 Feb 2023 (Tue)
Time: 4:00 p.m.  – 5:00 p.m.
Registration: HERE

CUHK Open Access (OA) Agreements with Publishers

The CUHK Library has entered OA publishing agreements with various publishers and organizations. Eligible CUHK authors can publish their OA articles free of charge with the following publishers and organizations: 

Who is eligible?

All CUHK staff and students (full time or part time) can enjoy this OA publishing benefit, provided that

  • The corresponding author of the manuscript must be either a CUHK staff or a student.
  • The CUHK affiliation, address, and email ( or must be used by the author for manuscript submission.
  • The author is affiliated with CUHK at the time of paper acceptance.
  • The manuscript has been accepted for publication during the agreement period.
    • For Hindawi and Wiley Gold OA (fully open access) journals, the manuscript must be submitted on or after 1 Jan 2023. 

When does the agreement period start?

  • From 1 Jan 2023: ACS, Hindawi, IEEE, IOP Science, & Wiley
  • From 1 Jan 2022: AIMS, Future Science, Future Medicine, PLOS, & Portland Press
  • From 1 Jan 2021: Cambridge University Press, Karger, & SCOAP

Is the APC waived fully or partially?

  • The APC of journals covered by the agreements is fully waived for eligible CUHK corresponding authors.
  • For the journal PLOS Medicine, if the CUHK author is a contributing author but not the corresponding author, the non-CUHK corresponding author can enjoy a 25% discount for the APC.
  • For SCOAP3 journals, all authors can publish free of charge. 

Is there any quota?

  • Unlimited Quota for the following publishers:
    • AIMS, Cambridge University Press, Future Science, Future Medicine, IOP,  Karger, PLOS, Portland Press, & SCOAP
  • Limited Quota applies to the following publishers. Articles accepted by publishers will be approved on first-come-first-served basis while quota lasts.
    • ACS, Hindawi, IEEE, & Wiley

How to apply?

  • Refer to the publisher section below.

What journals are included in the plan?

  • Click HERE for a complete list of journals included in the agreements or refer to the individual publisher section below.

How to Publish in Journals with an Open Access Agreement


ACS Publications is a division of the American Chemical Society, the leading chemistry article publisher. The OA agreement between the CUHK Library and ACS covers all journals in its portfolio.


1. Follow the article submission workflow as usual. Make sure you have used the CUHK affiliation, address, and email for your account registration and manuscript submission.

2. After your article is accepted by the journal, you will be invited to complete the Journal Publishing Agreement.

3. The system automatically identifies you are affiliated with the CUHK. Choose [Yes, I wish to publish open access as per the agreement] option.

4. Click [Order Open Access].

5. You will be prompted to the RightsLink system, check the [Seek Funding from the Chinese University of Hong Kong option], and complete the checkout process, even for $0 orders, to submit your funding request for approval. During this process, you will be asked to log in or create an account in the RightsLink system.

Remark: Once the quota is used up, you will not be provided the [Seek Funding from the Chinese University of Hong Kong] option.

6. You will receive a confirmation email after the Library approves your request.

For more information, please refer to this demo video on how to complete the Journal Publishing Agreement and publish your article open access under an institutional open access agreement.

The American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) is an international organization that promotes the advancement and education of mathematical and applied sciences through publications and conferences. Its OA agreement with the CUHK Library excludes full open access journals and covers the following 21 hybrid journals:

  1. Advances in Mathematics of Communications
  2. Communications on Pure & Applied Analysis
  3. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems
  4. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B
  5. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - S
  6. Evolution Equations & Control Theory
  7. Foundations of Data Science
  8. Frontiers of Mathematical Finance
  9. Inverse Problems & Imaging
  10. Journal of Computational Dynamics
  11. Journal of Dynamics & Games
  12. Journal of Geometric Mechanics
  13. Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization
  14. Journal of Modern Dynamics
  15. Kinetic & Related Models
  16. Mathematical Control & Related Fields
  17. Mathematical Foundations of Computing
  18. Networks & Heterogeneous Media
  19. Numerical Algebra, Control & Optimization
  20. Probability, Uncertainty and Quantitative Risk
  21. STEM Education


1. Follow the article submission workflow as usual. Make sure you have used CUHK affiliation, address, and email for your account registration and manuscript submission.

2. The manuscript submission system will automatically check whether you are an eligible author for the APC waiver based on your email domain and affiliation. 

Please visit the AIMS webpage for more details on its Open Access Publishing scheme. 

The Cambridge University Press (CUP) has published 44 full Gold OA journals and more than 330 hybrid journals that offer an OA option, covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences and science, technology and medicine. The journals covered by the OA agreement can be found at the OA Waivers and Discounts webpage. 


1. Follow the article submission process as usual. Make sure you have used the CUHK affiliation, address, and email for your account registration and manuscript submission.

2. If the article is accepted for publication, you will receive an acceptance email. If your article is accepted by a hybrid journal with an OA option, please choose the [Gold Open Access] for the preferred access type.

3. After the publishing agreement is signed off, the corresponding author will receive an email from the Publisher's Rightslink system and being requested to pay the APC.

4. Register and log in to the Rightslink, you will see a notification funding options. Check the [Seek Funding from the Chinese University of Hong Kong] option, and complete the checkout process, even for $0 orders, to submit your funding request for approval. 

5. Upon receiving your response, the Publisher will check whether the OA article is eligible for APC waiver based on the corresponding author’s institution information. Please ensure you have used the CUHK affiliation, address, and email for the manuscript submission. 

  • Please visit the CUP webpage for more details on the OA agreement.
  • You can find a recording of the Read & Publish Author Training webinar by the CUP HERE


The Future Science Group has entered an OA agreement with the CUHK Library covering two collections: Future Science and Future Medicine. The Future Science collection focuses on applied science and intellectual property issues in R&D; while the Future Medicine collection publishes journals on clinical and translational medicine and the biosciences.

All OA journals and hybrid journals with an OA option in these two collections are included in the agreement. The journal list is available on the Future Science and Future Medicine webpages.

Gold OA option is available for all article types except Drug, Device, and Vaccine Evaluation articles. Please check the details on the journal webpages. 


1. Follow the article submission process as usual. 

2. Download and fill in the Open Access Journal Form. Answer [Yes] to the question: Are you or your co-author’s primary affiliation one of our Read & Publish member institutions?

3. Upload the completed Open Access Journal Form in [Step 2] of the submission process.  

4. Upon receiving your response, the Publisher will check whether the OA article is eligible for the APC waiver based on the corresponding author’s affiliation. Please ensure you have used the CUHK affiliation, address, and email for the manuscript submission.


Please visit the Future Science and Future Medicine webpages for more details on the submission process. 

Hindawi has more than 270 Gold OA journals covering subjects in Biological Sciences, Medicine, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science. The OA agreement between the CUHK Library and Hindawi covers all Hindawi journals.



1. Follow the article submission workflow as usual. Make sure you have used CUHK affiliation, address, and email for your account registration.

2. During the manuscript submission, please select the [Chinese University of Hong Kong] for your affiliation.

3. Your APC funding request will be approved when the article is accepted for publication, subject to funding availability.

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE has published 20+ full Gold OA journals and 160+ hybrid journals that offer an OA option. The title list is available here.

The OA agreement between the CUHK Library and IEEE covers all Gold OA and hybrid journals.


1. Follow IEEE’s article submission process as usual. Make sure you have used CUHK affiliation, address, and email for your account registration. The system will automatically check whether you are an eligible author for the free APC tokens based on your email domain.

2. If the article is accepted for publication, you will receive an acceptance email. If your article is accepted by a hybrid journal, please choose [Yes] for the Open Access option. 


3. After the publishing agreement is signed off, the corresponding author will receive an email from the Publisher's RightsLink system and be requested to pay the APC. 

4. Register and log in to the RightsLink, and you will see a notification of funding options. Check the Seek Funding from the Chinese University of Hong Kong option, and complete the checkout process, even for $0 orders, to submit your funding request for approval. 

Remark: Once the quota is used up, you will not be provided the [Seek Funding from the Chinese University of Hong Kong] option.


5. You will receive a confirmation email after the Library approves your request.

IOPscience is an online service for journal content published by IOP Publishing, part of the Institute of Physics (IOP), aiming to disseminate leading-edge scientific research. 

The OA agreement between the CUHK Library and IOPscience covers IOP Hybrid and Gold OA journals, excluding journals published in partnership with other societies, such as the American Astronomical Society and Chinese Physical Society. Please find the journal list covered in the agreement HERE


1. Follow the article submission workflow as usual. 

2. You will be asked to enter author information. Ensure the corresponding author uses the CUHK affiliation, address, and email during the manuscript submission. Use the autofill when entering the Chinese University of Hong Kong. 

3. IOP will automatically check whether the corresponding author is eligible for the APC waiver based on the email domain and affiliation. 

Karger has published 35 full Gold OA journals and more than 60 hybrid journals that offer an OA option covering a wide range of biomedical science subjects from audiology and speech to surgery. The journal list is available on the Karger webpage.

The OA agreement between the CUHK Library and Karger covers all Gold OA and Hybrid journals.


1. Follow the article submission workflow as usual. Make sure you have used the CUHK affiliation, address, and email for your account registration and manuscript submission.

2. You will be asked to specify whether your institute has an Open Access Agreement with Karger. In the Open Access Agreements section, select the [Eligible] option and input "Chinese University of Hong Kong" for the name of institution. Leave the Voucher section blank.



3. Karger will use the corresponding author’s name and email address to confirm eligibility for the APC waiver. Please be reminded to use the CUHK affiliation, address, and email for manuscript submission. 


  • Please visit the Karger webpage for more details on the OA agreement.
  • You can find a recording of the Publish & Read Onboarding Session by Karger Publishers HERE


The Public Library of Science (PLOS) is an OA publisher aiming to accelerate science and medicine knowledge advancement. The OA agreement between the CUHK Library and PLOS covers all PLOS journals including:

  1. PLOS Biology 
  2. PLOS Medicine 
  3. PLOS Sustainability and Transformation  
  5. PLOS Genetics
  6. PLOS Pathogens
  7. PLOS Computational Biology 
  8. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 
  9. PLOS Digital Health 
  10. PLOS Climate  
  11. PLOS Water 
  12. PLOS Global Public Health  

For Journals 1-3 (PLOS Biology, PLOS Medicine, and PLOS Sustainability and Transformation) 


1. Follow the article submission workflow as usual. Make sure you have used the CUHK affiliation, address, and email for your account registration and manuscript submission.

2. The manuscript submission system will automatically check whether you are an eligible author for the APC waiver based on your email domain and affiliation. 


For Journals 4-12 (PLOS ONE, PLOS Computational Biology, PLOS Pathogens, PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, PLOS Genetics, PLOS Digital Health, PLOS Climate, PLOS Water, and PLOS Global Public Health)


1. Follow the article submission workflow as usual. Make sure you have used the CUHK affiliation, address, and email for your account registration and manuscript submission.

2. Jump to the [Additional Information] section.


3. Scroll down to [Publication fees] and select [My institution will fully or partially pay the fee…]


4. Select [Chinese University of Hong Kong] from the drop-down list.


Upon receiving your response, the Publisher will check whether the OA article is eligible for APC waiver based on the corresponding author’s institution information.

As the Biochemical Society’s publisher, the Portland Press focuses on publishing researches and reviews on molecular biosciences. It has entered an OA agreement with the CUHK Library covering all seven journals: 

  1. Biochemical Journal
  2. Biochemical Society Transactions
  3. Bioscience Reports
  4. Clinical Science 
  5. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences
  6. Essays in Biochemistry
  7. Neuronal Signaling


1. Follow the article submission workflow as usual. Make sure you have used the CUHK affiliation, address, and email for your account registration.

2. In the Author Information section, select "The Chinese University of Hong Kong" as the organization. 

3. The Detailed Information tab will inform eligible authors about the OA agreement between the CUHK and Portland Press. 




The Joint University Librarians Advisory Committee (JULAC) is in partnership with the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3). CUHK authors can publish OA articles with High-Energy Physics content in SCOAP3 journals free of charge. 

The journal list is available on the SCOAP3 webpage. 

  • For journals with 100% SCOAP3 coverage, all articles will be automatically published in Open Access free of charge. 
  • For journals with less than 100% SCOAP3 coverage, only articles submitted by their authors to with a primary category in high-energy physics (hep-ex, hep-lat, hep-ph, hep-th) ahead of the journal publication will be published in Open Access free of charge. 

The submission process is detailed in each journal's ‘Author Guidelines’ section. Please ensure you have used the CUHK affiliation, address, and email for the manuscript submission. 


Wiley has published 300+ full Gold OA journals and more than 1,300 hybrid journals that offer an OA option, covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences, science, technology, and medicine. The journal list is available here.

The OA agreement between the CUHK Library and Wiley covers all Gold OA and Hybrid journals.

You may indicate multiple corresponding authors in an article. However, the responsible corresponding author must be affiliated with the CUHK to enjoy the APC waiver.

For Hybrid Journals (Journals providing OA option)


1. Follow Wiley’s article submission workflow as usual. Make sure you have used the CUHK affiliation, address, and email for your account registration and manuscript submission.

2. After your article is accepted by the journal, you will be invited to the Wiley Author Service. Click on the [Manage article] button.

3. Indicate and confirm the corresponding author(s).

4. Assign the "responsible corresponding author" role to an author affiliated with CUHK in order to enjoy the APC waiver. Your co-author may transfer the responsible corresponding author role to you.

5. Enter and confirm the funders and grant details for this article, if any.
6. If the affiliation information is not provided, enter [Chinese University of Hong Kong] as the affiliation of the responsible corresponding author.

7. Choose the copyright ownership.
8. Select the [open access] option.


9. Choose one of the Creative Common Licenses.

10. Finally, sign the license by following the onscreen instructions.

11. Your APC funding request will be approved when the article is accepted for publication, subject to funding availability.


For Fully Open Access Journals (also known as Gold Open Access Journals)


1. Follow Wiley’s article submission workflow as usual. Make sure you have used CUHK affiliation, address, and email for your account registration.

2a. During the manuscript submission, if you are asked for a payment option, please follow below steps.

  • Select the [My institution or funder has an agreement with Wiley and may pay the Article Publication Charge] option.
  • Click on the [Account Code Tool] link.
  • Select [Chinese University of Hong Kong] from the drop-down list.
  • Copy the Account Code shown on screen.
  • Paste the code in the box.

2b. If no payment option is provided on screen, please select the [Chinese University of Hong Kong] as your affiliated institution from the drop-down list.

3. Your APC funding request will be approved when the article is accepted for publication, subject to funding availability.


BioMed Central & SpringerOpen

The CUHK Jockey Club School of Public Health & Primary Care (JCSPHPC) is a member of BMC and SpringerOpen. Researchers and students of the JCSPHPC can enjoy a membership discount when publishing in BioMed Central and SpringerOpen journals. For details and the discount code, please contact the JCSPHPC.