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Coverage: 1949 - present
Chinamaxx is a new platform of the Superstar Digital Libraries. It contains over 700,000 Chinese books published in China since 1949 and a few from more earlier years. 涵蓋: 1949至今
涵蓋:1949 - 至今
The first full text searchable newspaper database in China, covering both print and online newspaper dating back to 1949.
Coverage: 1971 - present
Essays on general anthropology, communal relations, ethnic groups, folk medicine, immigrant communities, old age, physical anthropology, population, race relations, social change, social conditions, social customs, social problems, social structure, women, youth & children.
The CUHK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection (the ETD Collection) holds the full-text of research degree’s theses and doctoral dissertations submitted by postgraduate students of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) since 1967. It comprises more than 13,000 volumes in both English and Chinese. Searchable PDFs for the body text, abstracts and table of contents in both English and Chinese are provided. Alternatively, doctoral dissertations from 1997 onwards are also accessible via Dissertations & Theses @ CUHK.
Contains the full-text of more than 200,000 full-text dissertations from the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses subscribed by Taiwan and HK consortium members.
收錄逾20萬筆由典藏聯盟訂購自 ProQuest Dissertations and Theses 的博士論文全文。
Coverage: abstracts 1861 - ; 24 page preview 1997 - present
Index and abstract to doctoral dissertations and master theses from North American universities as well as from selected non-North American universities.
涵蓋: 1915至今
收錄 8700 多種重要期刊,內容覆蓋自然科學、工程技術、農業、哲學、醫學、人文社會科學等各個領域。 Coverage: 1915 - present
Provides over 8,700 journals published in China, subjects including natural science, engineering, agriculture, philosophy, medicine, humanities and social sciences.
涵蓋: 1980至今
提供論文索引,引用的期刊超過三百種在香港出版的中文和雙語期刊。 Coverage: 1980 - present
Provides index to 300 Chinese and bilingual periodical titles published in Hong Kong.
Provides information about China including the full-text of academic journals, proceedings, theses, patents and standards, scientific and technical reports, laws and regulations, and enterprises.
This corpus is a set of audio-recordings of conversational exchanges in Chinese between interviewers and interviewees discussing a wide range of subjects, including travel talk, and life experiences. There are presently 28 transcripts. These transcripts are rendered in Chinese characters.
PyCantonese is a Python library for Cantonese linguistics and natural language processing (NLP).
Accessing and searching corpus data
Parsing and conversion tools for Jyutping romanization
Parsing Cantonese text
Stop words
Word segmentation
Part-of-speech tagging