Repository Services

The Library is pleased to offer the following digital services to advance learning and research of the University.  You are welcome to send your request to with details of the digital service required and details of the request such as the format of the materials, number of items, tentative timeline and the contact point.

  1. Digitisation Service
  2. Depositing Digital Objects into Digital Repository
  3. Digital Project Planning and Consultation

Digitisation Service

The Digital Services Team usually creates digital collections from the library collections. We also seek external content from faculties and departments of the University which holds the materials and wish to share the digital images with the global research community via the Digital Repository (please refer to the open access policy). The materials can be text, pictures or multimedia. However, because of limited capacity of the team, the service is limited to small-scale projects that are of one-off nature. The cost will be borne by the faculty making the request. The turnaround time varies with the quantity and workload of the team. It will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. We are pleased to offer On-demand Digitization service for scholars as well.

For large-scale projects, the service depends on the quantity involved, the timeline required, and the nature of the request.  The team is happy to discuss this with you on an individual project basis. The team will also help apply for University funding if needed.  

The service complies with the industry best practices and the digitization standards as stated here: The actual process of scanning will take place either in-house or out-sourced. If the materials or the digital images are donated to the Library, they will be properly catalogued in the library catalogue or the library archives.  You are also welcome to provide us with the specific metadata required.


Depositing digital objects into Digital Repository

If faculty already has digital files at hand or the materials are born digital, you are welcome to deposit them into the Digital Repository for open access or resource-sharing. The Digital Services Team will assess the digital images. If they are found appropriate for the Repository, the team will handle the conversion. The service is free.  However, owing to the limited resources, not all requests can be accommodated. Also, we will not offer any hosting of web sites.


Digital Project Planning and Consultation

The Digital Services team is also happy to provide free expert advice on:

  • appropriate hardware, software and procedures for digital projects
  • logistical support for your digitization projects such as sourcing of vendors, methods for quality control
  • assessment of whether an item is fit for digitisation