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Here are some questions often asked about ORCID:


Why do I need an ORCID iD?
ORCID refers to Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier. You may use your ORCID iD in the research workflow so that you can be uniquely identified to avoid the issue of name ambiguity. Moreover, many journal publishers and funders, such as the University Grants Committee and Research Grants Council, have made ORCID iD mandatory in different types of submissions.


Who can help me manage my ORCID profile?
ORCID encourages researchers to register for their own ORCID iDs. However, after registration, you may assign another person to update and input information into your ORCID profile. For details, please refer to the section of Authorizing others to manage your ORCID at Registration.


How can I find my ORCID iD?
You may sign into your ORCID account, and your 16-digit ORCID iD can be found at the top left corner (e.g., 0000-0001-2435-6789).
If you forget your password, you may reset your password at the ORCID Sign in page.


I have created an ORCID iD with my previous employer. Should I create another one for CUHK?
No. One of the principles of ORCID is that researchers are in charge of their own ORCID iD. Researchers are discouraged to register more than one ORCID iD. Nevertheless, you may delete obsolete email address associated with your previous employer, and then enter your CUHK email address in your ORCID by following the procedures below:
(1) Sign into your ORCID account.
(2) Click “Account Settings” on the upper panel of the page.
(3) Click the edit button next to “Email and notification preferences.”
(4) Edit and update your email address(es) associated with your ORCID account.


How can I remove my duplicated ORCID account?
Before you remove your duplicated account, please note that only the email address(es) associated with your duplicated account will be transferred to your primary account and all other information in the duplicated account will be deleted. Please follow the instructions at Removing your additional or duplicate ORCID iD.


Can ORCID automatically update my records?
Only four systems support auto-update of your ORCID records.

  1. AIMS can be connected with your ORCID account. After the connection is completed, your research output records in AIMS will be automatically sent to your ORCID account once the status of a record in AIMS is changed from “Submitted” to “Validated” by the Library. For details, please refer to ORCID: AIMS Integration.
  2. Crossref Metadata Search provides metadata on scholarly publications from many different publishers. Read here for auto-update settings.
  3. DataCite provides metadata search for your datasets and images. Read here for auto-update settings.
  4. Publons provides a peer review recognition service. Read here for auto-update settings.


Can I send my records from ORCID to AIMS?
Yes. You can add research outputs directly from ORCID, Web of Science, Scopus, and PubMed databases to AIMS. In the Add New Research Outputs page, select ORCID checkbox, input your ORCID iD, select “ORCIID/ WoS ResearcherID” field, and then click search to start the search.

Please be informed that only ORCID records with a visibility setting of everyone can be sent from ORCID to AIMS.


Can I send existing publication records from my AIMS profile to ORCID?
Yes, you can export them manually. Please follow the steps in the AIMS section at Tips on Adding Works.


Can I add publication records from my or ResearchGate to my ORCID profile?
Records from or ResearchGate cannot be automatically exported into ORCID. Nevertheless, you may find out if such records are available at other platforms integrated with ORCID such as CrossRef. Please follow the steps in Section 5: Works at Profile Input.


Can I add publication records from my ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, or Google Scholar to my ORCID Profile?
Yes. For details, please refer to Tips on Adding Works.


Why are there duplicated entries in my ORCID profile?
Publications with the same identifiers (e.g. DOI) are grouped together as one entry even though they are repeatedly added to your profile from different databases and sources. If a publication record does not contain an identifier, it will not be grouped as a duplicated entry. You may add identifiers in your publication records to avoid duplications.
