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Global Studies: E-Resources

Off-Campus Access to E-Resources

Are you doing research off-campus?

You may access our e-resources remotely by the off-campus access methods

Video: Peer Review in 3 Minutes

Source:libncsu  Peer Review in 3 Minutes,

Library Tools


This section lists the major electronic resources related to Global Studies in the following categories:

Mobile Apps


Find, read, and monitor scholarly journals in a single App.
Select the Chinese University of Hong Kong and log in with your Student / Staff ID and Library Password.



Allows you to search multiple EbscoHost databases in one go, e.g. Academic Search Premier. Go to EbscoHost Databases, click on the iPhone and Android apps link at bottom and follow instructions. The email address supplied must end with



Enable you to browse, read and save articles from any Ovid journals subscribed by the library. Register for a Ovid personal account first. Connect with CUHK Library Wi-Fi network and log in.