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Academic Information Management System (AIMS): 6 Open Access

Upload a Full Text

If your research output was published open access, you may deposit a full text of your article in AIMS. The full text will become publicly accessible by the public.


Does the copyright allow deposit of the full text in AIMS?

The Library will check if the license agreement of the uploaded full text allows open access of the full text in AIMS. We will contact you if there is any copyright issue.


What are the major types of Open Access articles? 

There are two major types of open access articles: Gold and Green.

Gold open access usually involves an article processing charge, and the published version of the full text can be shared immediately after published. Green open access, also named as self-archiving, does not involve an article processing charge, but the sharing of full text needs to comply with the publisher's self-archiving policy. 


Gold Open Access 

Open access articles may be published in full open access journals or hybrid journals which offer an open access option. If your article is published open access in these journals, you may upload the published version of full text to AIMS.

  • The published version also refers to the publisher’s version, publisher’s PDF, and version of record. It goes through copyediting and typesetting with the publisher’s branding and is available on the publisher's website.


Green Open Access 

Many subscription-based journals allow authors to deposit their final accepted manuscripts to an institutional repository (e.g. AIMS), subject to the publisher's self-archiving policy, such as embargo period.

  • The final accepted manuscript is also referred to as post-print. This version has gone through the peer-review process. It is the version being accepted for publishing which will be processed for the publisher’s copyediting and typesetting.
  • An embargo means a time delay that a full text can be made publicly available. The embargo period differs from journal to journal. If you are unsure about it, you may leave it blank and the Library will check it for you.


How to upload?

  1. Scroll down to the section [Fulltext of the Publication].
  2. Click on the folder icon and select the file you want to upload.

  1. Select the full-text version.
  2. Select the embargo date, if appropriate.



Open-Access Indicators

You may provide the following information after uploading a full text to AIMS.

Type of Open Access

  • Choose "Gold" if the research output is published open access.
  • Choose "Green" if the research output is published in a subscription-based journal or book with embargo period and other restrictions on access.


Type of Open Access License

  • If your open access research output is licensed under the Creative Commons, please select the exact type of Creative Commons license.


Financial Arrangement for Open Access

If the research output is made open access upon financial arrangement by CUHK authors, please indicate the type of arrangement, otherwise leave this part blank. For example:

  • The research output is co-authored by CUHK and HKU, and the research output is made open access under the transformative agreement made between CUHK and the publisher. Please select [Transformative Agreement]. 
  • The research output is co-authored by CUHK and HKU, and the research output is made open access under the transformative agreement made between HKU and the publisher. Please leave this part blank. 
  • The research output is co-authored by CUHK and HKU, and the HKU author paid the full APC. Please leave this part blank. 
  • The CUHK and HKU authors shared the APC cost of US$2,200, and each paid US$1,100. Please select [Article Processing Charge] and enter US$1,100 in the next section [Article Processing Charge]. 


Article Processing Charge

If you have paid an Article Processing Charge (APC) for publishing the research output open access, please enter the amount of APC in the original currency. Please enter the total amount paid by CUHK authors ONLY. For example:

  • The research output is co-authored by CUHK and HKU, and the HKU author paid the full APC. Please leave it blank.
  • The CUHK and HKU authors shared the APC cost of US$2,200, and each of them paid US$1,100. The amount input would be US$1,100.
  • The research output is co-authored by two CUHK researchers from different departments, they shared the APC cost of HK$26,000 and each paid HK$13,000. The amount input would be HK$26,000.


Link to External Repository

If the full text is available for public access in a subject repository (e.g. PubMed Central) and the full text cannot be uploaded to AIMS due to copyright restrictions, please enter the URL of the full text in the subject repository.

  • Please do not provide a link to the pre-print version, i.e. the version before peer review.