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Gerontology: Multimedia

Counseling and Therapy in Video

Counseling and Therapy in Video provides a rich collection of video for the study of counseling, social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling.

AccessMedicine Multimedia

AccessMedicine Multimedia provides an Exploring Essential Radiology module of imaging interpretation skills in various modalities and anatomical regions.

Nursing Education in Video

Nursing Education in Video is an online collection of videos created specifically for the education and training of nurses, nursing assistants, and other healthcare workers.

Rehabilitation Therapy in Video

Rehabilitation Therapy in Video has more than 750 hours of streaming video on the treatment of patients with congenital disorders, chronic health issues, and traumatic injuries.

MedlinePlus Health Videos

MedlinePlus Health Videos is a collection of animated videos showing the anatomy of body parts and organ systems and how diseases and conditions affect them.

Nursing Assessment in Video

Nursing Assessment in Video provides demonstrations and step-by-step instructions for performing physical assessments of patients for nursing professionals.

New England Journal of Medicine

NEJM Videos of Clinical Medicine provides demonstration videos and procedure summaries on a variety of clinical specialties.