Calligraphy, Paintings and Rubbings from the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

CUHK Library has joined the global platform Google Arts & Culture to share our valuable collections with the public. Through the online exhibition “Calligraphy, Paintings and Rubbings from the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library”, readers can explore the artworks from notable figures from the Qing dynasty to modern times. These figures include Zhang Daqian, Chao Shao-an, Ding Yanyong, Huang Yongyu, Li King-hong, Deng Fen, Huang Zhou, Gao Xingjian, Jao Tsung-I, Yu Youren and Tai Jingnong. The remarkable items show high artistic value and, at the same time, stand witness to social interaction among members of the literary circles.

You can click here or the image below to view the exhibition.