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研究院招收下年度各項學位課程新生 1984-01-03 2 研究院招收下年度各項學位課程新生
[文物館現正舉行《穗港漢墓出土文物展》] 1984-01-04 1 [文物館現正舉行《穗港漢墓出土文物展》]
[ExhibItion "Archaeological Finds from Han Tombs at Guangzhou and Hong Kong " in Art Gallery] 1984-01-04 1 [ExhibItion
「教父阿拉」新聞稿 1984-01-14 1 「教父阿拉」新聞稿
[杜博尼博士演講《北島(趙振開)的詩與小說》] 1984-01-16 1 [杜博尼博士演講《北島(趙振開)的詩與小說》]
教育學院教育文憑課程及文科教育碩士課程招生 1984-01-17 1 教育學院教育文憑課程及文科教育碩士課程招生
[The School of Education inviting applications for postgraduate Diploma-in-Education] 1984-01-17 2 [The School of Education inviting applications for postgraduate Diploma-in-Education]
[中大分別委任李沛良教授及張春樹教授為社會學講座教授及歷史學客座教授] 1984-01-30 2 [中大分別委任李沛良教授及張春樹教授為社會學講座教授及歷史學客座教授]
[Professor Rance Pui-leung Lee appointed as Professor of Sociology and Professor Chang Chun-shu as Visiting Professor of History] 1984-01-30 2 [Professor Rance Pui-leung Lee appointed as Professor of Sociology and Professor Chang Chun-shu as Visiting Professor of History]
歷史學部文學碩士學位課程招收兼讀研究生 1984-02-08 1 歷史學部文學碩士學位課程招收兼讀研究生
[劉英茂教授演講《語言理解研究的新領域》] 1984-02-14 1 [劉英茂教授演講《語言理解研究的新領域》]
[「鄭翼之研究獎學金」及「捷和鄭氏基金獎學金」得獎人名單] 1984-02-17 1 [「鄭翼之研究獎學金」及「捷和鄭氏基金獎學金」得獎人名單]
[Recipients of the Cheng Yick Chi Graduate fellowship and the Chiap Hua Cheng Foundation Scholarships] 1984-02-17 1 [Recipients of the Cheng Yick Chi Graduate fellowship and the Chiap Hua Cheng Foundation Scholarships]
中大兼讀學士課程招收新生 1984-02-18 2 中大兼讀學士課程招收新生
[大學校長馬臨博士將續任兩年] 1984-02-21 1 [大學校長馬臨博士將續任兩年]
[Extention of Vice-Chancellor service of Dr. Ma Lin] 1984-02-21 1 [Extention of Vice-Chancellor service of Dr. Ma Lin]
司徒新教授學業優異獎 1984-02-24 1 司徒新教授學業優異獎
Business Administration Students Get Awards 1984-02-24 1 Business Administration Students Get Awards
公佈「暫取新生」程序 1984-02-25 3 公佈「暫取新生」程序
Application Procedures for the Provisional Acceptance Scheme of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Announced 1984-02-25 1 Application Procedures for the Provisional Acceptance Scheme of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Announced
研究院新辦課程開始招生 1984-02-27 2 研究院新辦課程開始招生
[Graduate School invites applications for admission to the newly established graduate programmes] 1984-02-27 1 [Graduate School invites applications for admission to the newly established graduate programmes]
[張春樹教授演講《歷史、考古與地域 --西北與絲路考察所引起的一些問題的探討》] 1984-03-02 1 [張春樹教授演講《歷史、考古與地域 --西北與絲路考察所引起的一些問題的探討》]
[高級行政管理文憑課程現已開始接受報名] 1984-03-02 1 [高級行政管理文憑課程現已開始接受報名]
香港上海滙豐銀行社會工作獎學金 1984-03-06 1 香港上海滙豐銀行社會工作獎學金
Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank Social Work Scholarships and Bursaries 1983/84 1984-03-06 1 Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank Social Work Scholarships and Bursaries 1983/84
[何善衡夫人醫科生宿舍開幕典禮] 1984-03-08 1 [何善衡夫人醫科生宿舍開幕典禮]
[Opening ceremony of The Madam S . H. Ho Hostel for Medical Students] 1984-03-08 1 [Opening ceremony of The Madam S . H. Ho Hostel for Medical Students]
[電視廣播有限公司資助中大進行「香港的電視與其他大眾傳媒的作用」專題研究計劃] 1984-03-15 1 [電視廣播有限公司資助中大進行「香港的電視與其他大眾傳媒的作用」專題研究計劃]
[Television Broadcasts Limited provided financial support on research programme "The Uses of Television and Other Mass Media in Hong Kong"] 1984-03-15 1 [Television Broadcasts Limited provided financial support on research programme
[鄧高博士演講《國際貿易關稅一般協定之演變及其於八零年代之任務》] 1984-03-20 1 [鄧高博士演講《國際貿易關稅一般協定之演變及其於八零年代之任務》]
[Lecture "GATT - Its Evolution and Role in 1980's" by Dr . Arthur Dunkel] 1984-03-20 1 [Lecture
[鄧高博士演講《國際貿易關稅一般協定之演變及其於八零年代之任務》] 1984-03-22 1 [鄧高博士演講《國際貿易關稅一般協定之演變及其於八零年代之任務》]
[Lecture "GATT - Its Evolution and Role in 1980's" by Dr . Arthur Dunkel] 1984-03-22 1 [Lecture
[德國研究學會贈音樂研究期刊予中大] 1984-03-26 1 [德國研究學會贈音樂研究期刊予中大]
[German Research Society donated research periodicals in music to the University] 1984-03-26 1 [German Research Society donated research periodicals in music to the University]
[香港中文大學獲選為下任東南亞微生物學網地區總部] 1984-03-27 2 [香港中文大學獲選為下任東南亞微生物學網地區總部]
[The Chinese University of Hong Kong designated asthe regional headquarters of the Network for Microbiology in Southeast Asia] 1984-03-27 1 [The Chinese University of Hong Kong designated asthe regional headquarters of the Network for Microbiology in Southeast Asia]
[粵語話劇《熔爐》及《等待果陀》將於中大上演] 1984-03-28 2 [粵語話劇《熔爐》及《等待果陀》將於中大上演]
[文物館現正舉行《館藏二十世紀早期廣東繪畫展覽》] 1984-03-29 1 [文物館現正舉行《館藏二十世紀早期廣東繪畫展覽》]
[華威廉教授演講《唐代鉛釉陶瓷之延續--唐三彩之發展》] 1984-04-06 1 [華威廉教授演講《唐代鉛釉陶瓷之延續--唐三彩之發展》]
[Lecture "The continuity of lead-glazing in the Tang period - Development of Tang Sancai" by Professor William Watson] 1984-04-06 1 [Lecture
[張南舟先生演講《廈門經濟特區近況與瞻望》] 1984-04-10 1 [張南舟先生演講《廈門經濟特區近況與瞻望》]
[球槎基金會捐款中大設置布爾卡WM二五〇超導式核磁共振儀] 1984-04-11 1 [球槎基金會捐款中大設置布爾卡WM二五〇超導式核磁共振儀]
[Donation from the Croucher Foundation supported installation of superconducting nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer] 1984-04-11 1 [Donation from the Croucher Foundation supported installation of superconducting nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer]
兼讀學士課程招收新生 1984-04-13 1 兼讀學士課程招收新生
[宋蜀華教授演講《少數民族的過去和現在」及《論現狀剖析和歷史探索的關系--從解放前雲南景頗族的社會經濟結構探索其歷史及發展上的特點》] 1984-04-16 1 [宋蜀華教授演講《少數民族的過去和現在」及《論現狀剖析和歷史探索的關系--從解放前雲南景頗族的社會經濟結構探索其歷史及發展上的特點》]
[「人口密集地區體能活動與生活質素研究」將發表第一期研究結果] 1984-04-30 1 [「人口密集地區體能活動與生活質素研究」將發表第一期研究結果]
[一九八四至八五年度訓練管理文憑課程現已開始接受入學申請] 1984-05-15 1 [一九八四至八五年度訓練管理文憑課程現已開始接受入學申請]
[1984/85 Diploma Course in Training Management inviting applications] 1984-05-15 1 [1984/85 Diploma Course in Training Management inviting applications]
[藝術系將於香港大會堂舉行系展] 1984-06-08 2 [藝術系將於香港大會堂舉行系展]
[The Fine Arts Department will stage its annual art exhibition in the City Hall] 1984-06-08 1 [The Fine Arts Department will stage its annual art exhibition in the City Hall]
[國際中葯研究會議開幕典禮] 1984-06-12 1 [國際中葯研究會議開幕典禮]
[Opening Ceremony of International Symposium on Chinese Medicinal Material Research] 1984-06-12 1 [Opening Ceremony of International Symposium on  Chinese Medicinal Material Research]
[科學館東座開幕典禮] 1984-06-13 1 [科學館東座開幕典禮]
[Opening Ceremony of the Science Centre East Block] 1984-06-13 1 [Opening Ceremony of the Science Centre East Block]
[「中國式企業管理研討會」] 1984-06-15 1 [「中國式企業管理研討會」]
[Seminar on "Chinese-Style Enterprise Management"] 1984-06-15 1 [Seminar on
New Teachers Poised for Their Career 1984-06-21 1 New Teachers Poised for Their Career
[香港蜆殼有限公司捐贈十萬元予中大蜆殼留英獎學基金] 1984-06-26 1 [香港蜆殼有限公司捐贈十萬元予中大蜆殼留英獎學基金]
[The Shell Company of Hong Kong Limited enriched the University's Shell Scholarship Endowment Fund] 1984-06-26 1 [The Shell Company of Hong Kong Limited enriched the University's Shell Scholarship Endowment Fund]
[《新亞學術集刊--第四期-- 中國藝術專號》現已出版] 1984-06-27 1 [《新亞學術集刊--第四期-- 中國藝術專號》現已出版]
[宣佈一九八四-八五年度本科課程申請入學辦法] 1984-06-29 3 [宣佈一九八四-八五年度本科課程申請入學辦法]
[費考通教授演講《小城鎮發展在中國的社會意義》] 1984-06-29 1 [費考通教授演講《小城鎮發展在中國的社會意義》]
[Symposium "The Social Significance of the Development of Small Towns in China" by Professor Fei Xiao-tong] 1984-06-29 1 [Symposium
[五人將獲頒授榮譽學位] 1984-07-02 2 [五人將獲頒授榮譽學位]
[Five distinguished persons will be awarded honorary degrees] 1984-07-02 1 [Five distinguished persons will be awarded honorary degrees]
[香港中文大學公佈高級程度會考考生申請入讀醫學臨床前期第一年級辦法] 1984-07-10 1 [香港中文大學公佈高級程度會考考生申請入讀醫學臨床前期第一年級辦法]
[第二屆國際物理暑假研討會] 1984-07-15 1 [第二屆國際物理暑假研討會]
[The Second International Summer School of Physics] 1984-07-15 1 [The Second International Summer School of Physics]
[詹德隆先生出任大學出版社社長] 1984-07-30 1 [詹德隆先生出任大學出版社社長]
[Appointment of Mr. T. L. Tsim as Director of The Chinese University Press] 1984-07-30 1 [Appointment of Mr. T. L. Tsim as Director of The Chinese  University Press]
[馬臨博士獲英國塞克斯大學頒授榮譽學位] 1984-07-31 1 [馬臨博士獲英國塞克斯大學頒授榮譽學位]
[公佈一九八四年度新生取錄名單] 1984-08-20 1 [公佈一九八四年度新生取錄名單]
文物館閉館一天 1984-08-23 1 文物館閉館一天
[中英友好基金資助中大學術交流] 1984-08-30 1 [中英友好基金資助中大學術交流]
[Donation from The Sino-British Fellowship Trust] 1984-08-30 1 [Donation from The Sino-British Fellowship Trust]
[「社會工作」兼讀學士學位課程首屆畢業生名單] 1984-08-31 1 [「社會工作」兼讀學士學位課程首屆畢業生名單]
[朱雲成教授演講《中國城市人口發展問題》] 1984-09-04 1 [朱雲成教授演講《中國城市人口發展問題》]
[Lecture "The Development Problems of the Urban Population in China" by Professor Zhu Yun-Cheng] 1984-09-04 1 [Lecture
公佈新招生辦法 1984-09-07 2 公佈新招生辦法
香港中文大學卽將接受循「暫取新生辦法」之入學申請 1984-09-17 3 香港中文大學卽將接受循「暫取新生辦法」之入學申請
Applications for Admission under the Provisional Acceptance Scheme of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Invited 1984-09-17 2 Applications for Admission under the Provisional Acceptance Scheme of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Invited
[詹鍈教授演講《李白研究近況》] 1984-09-18 1 [詹鍈教授演講《李白研究近況》]
[「微型電腦的教育應用」研討會] 1984-09-19 1 [「微型電腦的教育應用」研討會]
[Conference on "The Application of Microcomputer inthe School "] 1984-09-19 1 [Conference on
文物館舉辦《廣東出土先秦文物展覽》及考古學術研討會 1984-09-20 3 文物館舉辦《廣東出土先秦文物展覽》及考古學術研討會
Exhibition and Seminar on Archaeological Finds at The Chinese University of Hong Kong 1984-09-20 2 Exhibition and Seminar on Archaeological Finds at The Chinese University of Hong Kong
[《廣東出土先秦文物展覽》開幕儀式] 1984-09-21 3 [《廣東出土先秦文物展覽》開幕儀式]
[Opening Ceremony of "Archaeological Finds from Pre-Qin Sites in Guangdong"] 1984-09-21 1 [Opening Ceremony of
為「暫取新生辦法」申請人提供諮詢服務 1984-09-25 2 為「暫取新生辦法」申請人提供諮詢服務
[馬臨校長開幕禮演詞] 1984-09-27 1 [馬臨校長開幕禮演詞]
公佈循「暫取新生辦法」之入學申請卽將截止 1984-10-01 2 公佈循「暫取新生辦法」之入學申請卽將截止
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Announced That Application for Admission Under The Provisional Acceptance Scheme Will Be Closed Soon 1984-10-01 1 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Announced That Application for Admission Under The Provisional Acceptance Scheme Will Be Closed Soon
中文大學獲贈譚信爵士獎學金 1984-10-10 1 中文大學獲贈譚信爵士獎學金
[馬格雲博士將到訪香港] 1984-10-14 1 [馬格雲博士將到訪香港]
[Dr. Harald B. Malmgren visiting Hong Kong] 1984-10-14 1 [Dr. Harald B. Malmgren visiting Hong Kong]
第廿七屆頒授學位典禮 1984-10-15 1 第廿七屆頒授學位典禮
CUHK to Hold 27th Congregation 1984-10-15 1 CUHK to Hold 27th Congregation
[馬格雲博士到訪香港] 1984-10-16 1 [馬格雲博士到訪香港]
[Dr. Harald B. Malmgren visiting Hong Kong] 1984-10-16 1 [Dr. Harald B. Malmgren visiting Hong Kong]
「中國文藝節」之「龍的心」攝影展、電影及座談會 1984-10-17 1 「中國文藝節」之「龍的心」攝影展、電影及座談會
[第廿七屆頒授榮譽學位及高級學位典禮] 1984-10-18 1 [第廿七屆頒授榮譽學位及高級學位典禮]
[27th Congregation for the conferment of honorary and higher degrees] 1984-10-18 1 [27th Congregation for the conferment of honorary and higher degrees]
[馬格雲博士演講《香港在國際貿易中的地位--一九九七年前及一九九七年後》] 1984-10-29 1 [馬格雲博士演講《香港在國際貿易中的地位--一九九七年前及一九九七年後》]
[太古堂一及二啟用儀式] 1984-10-29 1 [太古堂一及二啟用儀式]
[Lecture "Hong Kong's Role in the International Trading Community Before and After 1997" by Dr. Harald B. Malmgren] 1984-10-29 1 [Lecture
cuhkpr-19841029e_1 cuhkpr-19841029e_1
政府職位資料展覽 1984-11-01 1 政府職位資料展覽
[林逸華博士獲委任為電子系講座教授] 1984-11-01 1 [林逸華博士獲委任為電子系講座教授]
[文物館現正舉行《廣東出土先秦文物展覽》] 1984-11-01 1 [文物館現正舉行《廣東出土先秦文物展覽》]
Civil Service Careers Exhibition 1984-11-01 1 Civil Service Careers Exhibition
[Appointment of Dr . Ya-wah Lam as Professor of Electronics] 1984-11-01 1 [Appointment of Dr . Ya-wah Lam as Professor of Electronics]
[訓練管理文憑課程第二屆畢業典禮] 1984-11-05 1 [訓練管理文憑課程第二屆畢業典禮]
文物館將展出清代揚州畫家作品 1984-11-14 1 文物館將展出清代揚州畫家作品
Yangzhou Paintings Exhibition at the Chinese University Art Gallery 1984-11-14 1 Yangzhou Paintings Exhibition at the Chinese University Art Gallery
[助學亭啟用儀式] 1984-11-16 1 [助學亭啟用儀式]
音樂系及香港電台合辦風琴演奏會 1984-11-16 1 音樂系及香港電台合辦風琴演奏會
文物館舉辦「清代揚州畫家作品展」 1984-11-21 1 文物館舉辦「清代揚州畫家作品展」
Preview of Painting Exhibition at the Chinese University Art Gallery 1984-11-21 1 Preview of Painting Exhibition at the Chinese University Art Gallery
[宋文薰教授演講《台灣東海岸的史前文化-- 兼論台灣史前文化的層序》] 1984-11-22 1 [宋文薰教授演講《台灣東海岸的史前文化-- 兼論台灣史前文化的層序》]
[舒之梅先生演講《近年來湖北省考古文物之重大發現》] 1984-12-03 1 [舒之梅先生演講《近年來湖北省考古文物之重大發現》]
第廿八屆頒授學位典禮 1984-12-04 1 第廿八屆頒授學位典禮
[林聰標教授演講《計量經濟預測模式能否經得起挑戰?》] 1984-12-05 1 [林聰標教授演講《計量經濟預測模式能否經得起挑戰?》]
[第廿八屆頒授學位典禮] 1984-12-06 1 [第廿八屆頒授學位典禮]
[文物館現正舉行《清代揚州畫家作品展》] 1984-12-21 1 [文物館現正舉行《清代揚州畫家作品展》]