3D Human Anatomy Collection

3D Human Anatomy Collection

The 3D Human Anatomy Collection is an archive for virtual illustration of dissected human specimens, showing various body structures and internal organs with annotations. The Collection is aimed to promote fundamental knowledge of human structures for medical education. Taking advantage of digital technologies, the human specimens are illustrated in true colour 3D images with high resolution.

The project was jointly developed by a group of anatomy teachers and dissection laboratory staff from the School of Biomedical Sciences, librarians and staff of the Learning Garden of the CUHK Library in 2019 summer. With the launching of the Maker Space in Learning Garden in 2020, a team of students across different disciplines including Chinese medicine, life sciences, computer science and biomedical engineering, worked collaboratively to organize 3D scanning of specimens, model-reconstruction and video-editing of images. After 6 months of production work, the first batch of the Collection was completed with high resolution annotated videos showing the human specimens in 360-degrees perspectives. Most importantly, this project could not be successful without the support from the “Silent Teacher Body Donation Programme” of CUHK. We express our sincere thanks to those generous body donators and their families.

School of Biomedical Sciences

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

*The Collection is accessible by CUHK students and staff only