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How to Use the MakerSpace Facilities and Services: VR CAVE

  1.  First-time users MUST undertake a basic training. (Exception For the usage of the VR Headset)
  2. There is no charge to use VR equipment provided by the MakerSpace. Users are responsible for any damages of the furniture and equipment in the MakerSpace.
  3. Unless otherwise approved by the University Librarian, the equipment and facilities are used by eligible users for educational and non-commercial purposes ONLY.

L-Shaped Immersive Virtual Reality CAVE

Virtual Reality CAVE

Description: The L-shaped Immersive Virtual Reality CAVE is a VR + AR + MR platform for learning and teaching. It allows multi-users, up to 30 people, to immerse in and interact with VR with face to face communication.

Eligible UsersCUHK staff can make a reservation for using this platform for teaching and learning purposes. 

Reservation Method: Please contact Learning Garden HelpDesk for details.


3D Mode: Immersive Virtual Reality experience

2D Mode: Presentation, Audio & Video playing


Space Tourism: Virtual Reality Learning Experience

Project Title: Space Tourism Virtual Reality Learning Tool

Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLET) for the 2019-22 Triennium

Principal Supervisor: Prof. Lisa C. Wan, Associate Professor, Co-Director, Centre for Hospitality and Real Estate Research

School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong