Online Exhibitions

Online Exhibition

In the past decades, it is the generosity of many donors and the foresight of our predecessors that have contributed to the gradual growth of our collections. Among these treasures, there are valuable artworks from notable figures from the Qing dynasty to modern times, rare books, manuscripts and archival materials which are important sources for teaching and research. Notable authors of artworks with high artistic value include Li King-hong, Deng Fen, Feng Kanhou, Huang Zhou, Zhang Daqian, Chao Shao-an, Jao Tsung-I, Gao Xingjian and so on. Besides, our rare book collection consists of Chinese rare books published from the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368) to the end of Qianlong reign period (1795) of the Qing dynasty, and Western rare books published before 1900. A collection of oracle bones is also the largest of its kind in Hong Kong.

The Library organizes exhibitions with different themes regularly to showcase our Special Collections including rare books, manuscripts, artworks and archival materials. It is also hoped that this online exhibition platform serves as a time tunnel which gives insights of how wisdom and knowledge has been accumulated and transferred with the devotion of successive generations throughout our history. Please visit the virtual exhibitions to explore our unique collections.

The online exhibitions will be released in batches. The first batch covers 10 exhibitions while other exhibitions will be released later.