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Journal Metrics: Manuscript Matchers

Journal Manuscript Matchers

The following tools help you find the right journals for your manuscript. All you need to do is to provide your manuscript title, abstract, and keywords. And then the tools will try to match a list of journals that may be appropriate for your manuscript. Please refer to the journal’s aims and scope for further guidance and information. You may also refer to Taylor & Francis Guide for some tips on choosing a journal.

The major difference between the following tools is the journal coverage. Master Journal List by Web of Science Group covers the journals indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection while other tools only cover that particular publisher journals.

Open access publishing is becoming more common. Notes will be provided along the steps to highlight how to discern whether a journal offers an open access option. You may refer to the Open Access Guide for more information on Open Access publishing. 

Tools for Journal Manuscript Matchers

Master Journal List is based on the Web of Science Core Collection data which covers more than 24,000 journals across thousands of global publishers.

  • Go to the Homepage HERE and Click Match Manuscript.



  • Login with your Web of Science, Publons, or EndNote email address and password. If you do not have an account with Web of Science, please choose the "Create Free Account" option.



  • Enter your manuscript title and abstract to the text boxes.



  • You may narrow the results by applying filters on the left-hand side.
    Note: The Open Access filter only includes fully open access journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Hybrid journals that provide both subscription and open access options are not indexed in DOAJ; therefore, they will not be included in the results if the open access filter is applied. Please refer to the journal websites for more information about the publishing options.



  • Click "View profile page" for the journal details and journal website.

Elsevier JournalFinder uses specific vocabularies to match your abstract to relevant Elsevier journals.

  • Go to the Homepage HERE, enter your manuscript title, abstract, keywords, and field of research, and click "Find journals".



  • You may narrow the results by applying filters. Click "More filters" to choose an appropriate filter.
    Note: The open access filter "Journals that offer gold OA" includes both of the full open access journals and hybrid journals. Most of the journals by Elsevier offer the open access option.



  • Click the arrow to see the journal profile.
    Note: The "OA" icon means that the journal offers open access option, and the “S” icon means that the journal requires subscription for accessing full content. In the following example, the International Journal of Educational Research is a hybrid journal. The author can choose whether the accepted manuscript can be published with open access or not.



  • The journal profile will contain journal aims and scope, acceptance rate, time to publication, and link to the journal website.
    Note: the "List price APC" is the cost for open access option.

Springer Nature Journal Suggester uses the information you provided to match all Springer and BMC journals.

  • Go to the Homepage HERE, enter your manuscript title, text, subject area, and click "Suggest journals".



  • You may narrow the results by applying filters. Expand "Refine your recommendation" and choose an appropriate filter.
    Note: Most Springer Nature journals offer an open access option. If you want to search full open access journals (not hybrid), please select “Open Access journals”. The “Subscription journals” filter will retrieve both subscription only journals and hybrid journals.



  • Click the arrow to see the journal profile.
    Note: The “OA” icon means that the journal offers an open access option, and the "S" icon means that the journal requires subscription for accessing full content. In the following example, the Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education is a hybrid journal. The author can choose whether the accepted manuscript can be published with open access or not.

Taylor & Francis Journal Suggester has been designed to search a list of relevant Taylor & Francis journals for you to consider.

  • Go to the Homepage HERE, enter your abstract in the text box, and click "Reveal suggested journals".



  • You will find a list of suggested journals and their short description and citation metrics. Click "Learn more and submit" for the journal website.
    Note: the "Show full open access journals only" will exclude hybrid and subscription journals. In the following example, the Curriculum Inquiry is a hybrid journal that offers an open access option. If you want to learn more about the article processing charge and self-archiving policy, please click "Cost finder" and select the journal of interest. 



  • If you want to learn more about the article processing charge, please click "Calculate your article publishing charge" and follow the on-screen instruction.

Wiley Journal Finder suggests relevant Wiley journals based on the information you provide.

  • Go to the Homepage HERE, and enter your manuscript title, abstract, keywords, and click "Find".



  • The result list will show you the journal name and citation metrics. To visit the journal website, click the journal name.
    Note: the list will indicate an open access option. In the following cases, both of the journals are hybrid journals that offer an open access option for authors.



  • You may narrow the search result by the Open Access types. If you want to check the article processing charge and self-archiving policy, click Author Compliance Tool for details.