Researcher Workshops (Feb – Apr 2023)

Date & Time
2023/02/01 to 2023/04/04
Title Date & Time Venue Registration
CUHK Open Access Publishing Plan

The workshop will cover:

  • What is Open Access (OA) and its implication on research impact
  • Highlights of CUHK OA Publishing Plan
  • How to deposit full texts in the Academic Information Management System (AIMS) and related copyright issues
  • Hints for publishing in OA journals
1 Feb 2023 (Wed)
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Online Register
Using ATLAS.ti for Qualitative Data Analysis

This workshop will introduce how to use ATLAS.ti to conduct qualitative data analysis. Participants will learn how to use ATLAS.ti to conduct:

  • Data description, such as creating codes, coding, using memo, and writing comments on your data
  • Data analysis and interpretation such as using the functions of hyperlink, network view, query tool, and co-occurrence to explore patterns
23 Feb 2023 (Thu)
3:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Online Register
Publishing Open Access in Wiley & Hindawi Journals

Speaker: Fabio Di Bello, Customer Success Manager, Wiley

Starting from 1 Jan 2023, the CUHK Library has entered an Open Access (OA) agreement with Wiley. CUHK corresponding authors can publish OA articles in Wiley and Hindawi journals free of charge. This online workshop provided by Wiley will cover:

  • The benefits of OA publishing
  • How you can benefit from the CUHK-Wiley OA agreement
  • Wiley Author Services workflow for requesting article process charge waivers
  • Tips for successful publishing
28 Feb 2023 (Tue)
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(English Session)
Online Register
NVivo: A Powerful Tool to Address Your Research Questions (Basic)

Speaker: Dr. Paula Hodgson

This workshop will cover the key concepts on using NVivo for qualitative research. Starting with research questions, participants will gain ideas from making coding to reading abstracts to extending coding in journal articles as an illustration. Alternatively, researchers can make coding based on the conceptual framework that they are working on.

Through coding with categories/themes, you may learn to create queries to make initial visualization and analysis from a mix of interviews and survey results. You will learn the process of coding while building an understanding of how evidence can be gathered from the cycle to confirm the existing conceptual framework or build a new model for further analysis.

The demonstration will be conducted with the latest version in Windows.


  • Interested participants are required to have your own notebooks/laptops installed with the new NVivo before attending the workshop.
  • For those using previous versions of NVivo, please note that the software interface of the new version is not the same as yours. (The trial version of NVivo only lasted for 14 days.)
15 Feb 2023 (Wed)
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon
(English Session)
Digital Scholarship Lab, G/F, University Library Register
NVivo: Strategies to Advance Qualitative Data Analysis (Advanced)

Speaker: Dr. Paula Hodgson

With the latest version of NVivo, the advanced workshop will use research examples to illustrate features and functionalities to allow researchers to use an inductive or deductive approach to sources of data when analysing qualitative data. Coding allows us to formulate a framework or identify sources of evidence with respect to the approaches used. Categories emerge when individual coding is clustered into levels of sub-themes. To address research questions, researchers can further explore relationships between or within cases. The queries function in NVivo allows researchers to retrieve matrix results easily. In addition, NVivo also offers an alternative approach to textual script analysis that provides fresh scope from the sea of data such that this can provide an enlightened scope in addition to existing theories.

The demonstration will be conducted with the latest version in Windows.


  • Participants must have experience in using NVivo. No demonstration on basic steps on uploading files to NVivo, coding and organization of coding in the workshop.
  • Interested participants are advised to have your own notebooks/laptops with new NVivo installed before attending the workshop.
  • For those using previous versions of NVivo, please note that the software interface of the new version is not the same as yours. (The trial version of NVivo only lasted for 14 days.)
  • Participants are encouraged to use your own qualitative research project data to practise the steps including setting cases and comparison of cases in the session.
  • Priority of registration will be given to staff and postgraduates who have already attended the workshop on “NVivo: A Powerful Tool to Address Your Research Questions”.
4 Apr 2023 (Tue)
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon
(English Session)
Digital Scholarship Lab, G/F, University Library Register
Medium of Instruction: Cantonese, but English will be used if users require (except for those remarked).
Enquiries: Email to
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