Dr. CHAN, Ka Long Donald (陳家朗博士)


location Room G54 Science Centre

Phone No. (852) 3943 0567

Email donaldchan@cuhk.edu.hk










2017 Ph.D. The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2012 B.Sc. The Chinese University of Hong Kong



Since 2022 Deputy Director, Natural Sciences Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Since 2019 Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong



CHEM2270 Student Oriented Teaching
CHEM2870 Integrated Chemistry Laboratory II
CHEM2872 Fundamental Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM3870 Instrumental Analysis Laboratory
CHEM3880 Quality Testing Laboratory
CHEM4030/4040 Problem-based Learning
CHEM4470 Internship in Accredited Laboratory
CHEM4471 Internship
CHEM4960/4970 Research Projects in Chemical Science
EESC2270/ENSC2270 Introduction to Environmental Science
ENSC3417 Environmental Instrumentation Techniques Laboratory
ENSC4525 Advanced Environmental Chemistry
ENSC4535 Chemical Treatment Processes