Site icon Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Non-credit-bearing Summer Internship Programme 2021

Non-credit-bearing local internship programme is available to Year 2 and Year 3 Chemistry major students. This programme is established to:
  1. Enhance students’ understanding of the careers they are interested in;
  2. Equip students with the essential skills for future careers;
  3. Provide opportunities for students to practice in the real-world environments and providing a platform of connection between recruiters and students.

Financial Support

The internship organization may provide subsidy to students.

Application Timeline

2 March 2021Briefing
19 March 2021Deadline of application form submission
Late MarchInterview by the internship provider
AprilSuccessful applications will be informed
May – AugustA minimum of 8 weeks of work


Student Obligation

1.Student should submit a written report which summarizes the summer work.
2.Per requested by the Department, student will be asked to promote future exchange programme.


Application Form


Briefing Document

(i) Recruiter Job Description

(ii) Application Procedure


If you have any queries, please contact Dr. W. F. Chan.