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School of Architecture

Architecture Studio Presentation Workshop


Design Studio is the key for every architecture student. Students spend days and nights on their projects, trying to impress their teachers and external judges during the “crit” – a presentation during which the students introduce their projects and take questions from the judges. The traditional academic presentation skills training does not fit the needs of architecture students, and language support for Design Studio presentation is not provided in the curriculum. In order to fill the gap, the ELTU and The School of Architecture decided to collaborate on tailor-made workshops dedicated to architecture students.


The ELTU teacher was invited to observe the first and second “crit” to get a better understanding of the studio presentations. Self-assessment sheets were given to students on their performance. Subsequently, two workshops were conducted to target at improving students’ visual communication presentation skills.

The first workshop consisted of 1) a lecture which highlighted the areas of improvement based on the previous two crits and 2) one-on-one sessions with the students to facilitate more personally-tailored interactions and answer more specific questions.

The second workshop aimed at helping students with any other issues they had just before the final crit. Students received specific feedback from the teacher.


– Interacting with the panel
– Time management
– Overcoming nerves
– Fluency
– Keywords,
– Sequencing information
– Coherence and cohesion
– Responding more to the critics
– Better preparation to face questions

22–23 Term 2 ELTU Course Swapping and Registration

For 22–23 Term 2 ELTU course swapping and registration matters, please refer to the email from the ELTU Student Affairs Team and submit an online application HERE during the following stages:

  • Stage 1: 10 Nov 2022 (Thu) 5:00pm – 28 Nov 2022 (Mon) 9:00am
  • Stage 2: 15 Jan 2023 (Sun) 5:00pm – 23 Jan 2023 (Mon) 9:00am

Should there be any queries, please contact the ELTU Student Affairs Team at sa.eltu@cuhk.edu.hk.