The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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Study Scheme

AApplicable to students admitted in 2022-23 and thereafter

I) Coursework Requirement

Students with a research master’s degree are required to complete a minimum of 33 units (for full-time students) / 39 units (for part-time students) of coursework for graduation.


1) Required course: 6 units

    • HIST7010 (3 Units)
    • HIST7101 (3 Units)

2) Elective courses: 9 units

    1. HIST7000- or HIST5000-level courses, which are related to the major and minor fields, and have not been taken for credit before.
    2. Subject to supervisors’ recommendation and Division Head’s approval, students are allowed to choose up to 3 units of HIST4000-level course in the undergraduate curriculum, and these will count towards minimum course units for graduation if they achieve a course grade of B- or above.
    3. Subject to supervisors’ recommendation and Division Head’s approval, students may choose a course offered by another Division. In such case, a graduate level coursework of 3 units offered by the Division concerned may replace the 3 units of elective coursework.

3) Thesis monitoring course is listed below: FT: 18 Units | PT: 24 Units

    • Thesis preparation: A student is required to take HIST8001 “Thesis Guidance” in each term until his/her thesis is finally submitted. The course carries a total of 3 ungraded pass-or-fail units in each term. The student’s performance will be shown on record but will not be counted towards the calculation of GPA.

Total: FT: 33 Units | PT: 39 Units


II) Qualifying Examination

    • After completion of at least 12 units of coursework, students are required to take and pass a qualifying examination before advancement to the Ph.D. candidature.
    • The qualifying examination will cover a student’s major and minor fields and will be conducted in accordance with regulations as laid down by the Division.
    • Students are required to pass the qualifying examination within the maximum period stipulated below:
      With research Master’s: Full-time 24 months / Part-time 32 months
      Without research Master’s: Full-time 36 months / Part-time 48 months

III) Other Requirements

    • Students must fulfill the Term Assessment Requirement of the Graduate School. For details, please refer to Section 13.0 “Unsatisfactory Performance and Discontinuation of Studies” of the General Regulations Governing Postgraduate Studies which can be accessed from the Graduate School Homepage.
    • A student must achieve a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in order to fulfill the graduation requirement, unless special approval is granted by the Graduate Council.
    • Students are required to study a third language, other than Chinese and English, at university level for 12 units or 156 hours with satisfactory result. This requirement may be waived if a student is able to demonstrate proficiency in a language to an extend that satisfied by Division.
    • Students should present at least one paper at a local workshop or international conference before completion of programme.
    • Students are required to submit a research thesis and pass an oral examination for graduation.
    • Complete an Improving Postgraduate Learning (IPL) module on “Observing Intellectual Property and Copyright Law during Research”. This is an online module and relevant information can be accessed from the IPL website.
    • Complete an IPL module on “Research Data Management Training”. This is an online module and relevant information can be accessed from the website: Students are required to complete and pass the module in their first year of studies, with effect from 2022-23 intake.
    • Students are required to complete an online Research Ethics Training (RET) module on “Publication Ethics” offered by the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services (ORKTS) and obtain a valid Publication Ethics Certificate for graduation. Relevant information can be accessed from the RET website.

IV) Remarks

a) In the early stage of study, a student will choose a major field and a minor field from the fields of specialization listed below. An advisory committee consisting of one or two supervisors from the major field and one from the minor field will then be formed to supervise the student.

(b) Fields of Specialisation include:

      1. History of Traditional China
      2. History of Modern China
      3. Pre-Modern World History*
      4. Modern World History*
      5. History of Hong Kong
      6. Comparative History
      7. Public History

c) Students admitted to the Gender Studies/History Programme will be exempted from two elective courses.


Note: * The field of World History covers Europe, America, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia and the Asia-Pacific.

BApplicable to students admitted in 2020-21 to 2021-22

I) Coursework Requirement

Students with a research master’s degree are required to complete a minimum of 33 units (for full-time students) / 39 units (for part-time students) of coursework for graduation.


1) Required course: 6 Units

    • HIST7010 (3 Units)
    • HIST7101 (3 Units)

2) Elective courses: 9 Units

    1. HIST7000- or HIST5000-level courses, which are related to the major and minor fields, and have not been taken for credit before.
    2. Subject to supervisors’ recommendation and Division Head’s approval, students are allowed to choose up to 3 units of HIST4000-level course in the undergraduate curriculum, and these will count towards minimum course units for graduation if they achieve a course grade of B- or above.
    3. Subject to supervisors’ recommendation and Division Head’s approval, students may choose a course offered by another Division. In such case, a graduate level coursework of 3 units offered by the Division concerned may replace the 3 units of elective coursework.

3) Thesis monitoring course is listed below: FT: 18 Units | PT: 24 Units

    • Thesis preparation: A student is required to take HIST8001 “Thesis Guidance” in each term until his/her thesis is finally submitted. The course carries a total of 3 ungraded pass-or-fail units in each term. The student’s performance will be shown on record but will not be counted towards the calculation of GPA.

Total: FT: 33 Units | PT: 39 Units


II) Qualifying Examination

    • After completion of at least 12 units of coursework, students are required to take and pass a qualifying examination before advancement to the Ph.D. candidature.
    • The qualifying examination will cover a student’s major and minor fields and will be conducted in accordance with regulations as laid down by the Division.
    • Students are required to pass the qualifying examination within the maximum period stipulated below:
      With research Master’s: Full-time 24 months / Part-time 32 months
      Without research Master’s: Full-time 36 months / Part-time 48 months


III) Other Requirements

    • Students must fulfill the Term Assessment Requirement of the Graduate School. For details, please refer to Section 13.0 “Unsatisfactory Performance and Discontinuation of Studies” of the General Regulations Governing Postgraduate Studies which can be accessed from the Graduate School Homepage.
    • A student must achieve a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in order to fulfill the graduation requirement, unless special approval is granted by the Graduate Council.
    • Students are required to study a third language, other than Chinese and English, at university level for 12 units or 156 hours with satisfactory result. This requirement may be waived if a student is able to demonstrate proficiency in a language to an extend that satisfied by Division.
    • Students should present at least one paper at a local workshop or international conference before completion of programme.
    • Students are required to submit a research thesis and pass an oral examination for graduation.
    • Complete an Improving Postgraduate Learning (IPL) module on “Observing Intellectual Property and Copyright Law during Research”. This is an online module and relevant information can be accessed from the IPL website.
    • Students are required to complete an online Research Ethics Training (RET) module on “Publication Ethics” offered by the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services (ORKTS) and obtain a valid Publication Ethics Certificate for graduation. Relevant information can be accessed from the RET website.


IV) Remarks

a) In the early stage of study, a student will choose a major field and a minor field from the fields of specialization listed below. An advisory committee consisting of one or two supervisors from the major field and one from the minor field will then be formed to supervise the student.

(b) Fields of Specialisation include:

      1. History of Traditional China
      2. History of Modern China
      3. Pre-Modern World History*
      4. Modern World History*
      5. History of Hong Kong
      6. Comparative History
      7. Public History

c) Students admitted to the Gender Studies/History Programme will be exempted from two elective courses.


Note: * The field of World History covers Europe, America, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia and the Asia-Pacific.

CApplicable to students admitted in 2017-18 to 2019-20

I) Coursework Requirement

Students with a research master’s degree are required to complete a minimum of 33 units (for full-time students) / 39 units (for part-time students) of coursework for graduation.


1) Required course: 6 Units

    • HIST7010 (3 Units)
    • HIST7101 (3 Units)

2) Elective courses: 9 Units

    1. HIST7000- or HIST5000-level courses, which are related to the major, first supporting or second supporting fields, and have not been taken for credit before.
    2. Subject to supervisors’ recommendation and Division Head’s approval, students are allowed to choose up to 3 units of HIST4000-level course in the undergraduate curriculum, and these will count towards minimum course units for graduation if they achieve a course grade of B- or above.
    3. Subject to supervisors’ recommendation and Division Head’s approval, students may choose a discipline offered in another Division as the second supporting field. In such case, a graduate level coursework of 3 units offered by the Division concerned may replace the 3 units of coursework in the second supporting field.

3) Thesis monitoring course is listed below: FT: 18 Units | PT: 24 Units

    • Thesis preparation: A student is required to take HIST8001 “Thesis Guidance” in each term until his/her thesis is finally submitted. The course carries a total of 3 ungraded pass-or-fail units in each term. The student’s performance will be shown on record but will not be counted towards the calculation of GPA.

Total: FT: 33 Units | PT: 39 Units


II) Qualifying Examination

    • To prepare for the Qualifying Examination, students are required to take one 3-unit course or HIST7101 “Independent Studies” offered by the first supporting supervisor.
    • After completion of at least 12 units of coursework, a student will take and pass an oral qualifying examination before advancement to the Ph.D. candidature.
    • The oral qualifying examination will cover the student’s major and first supporting fields and will be conducted in accordance with regulations as laid down by the Division.
    • Students are required to pass the qualifying examination within the maximum period stipulated below:
      With research Master’s: Full-time 24 months / Part-time 32 months
      Without research Master’s: Full-time 36 months / Part-time 48 months


III) Other Requirements

    • Students must fulfill the Term Assessment Requirement of the Graduate School. For details, please refer to Section 13.0 “Unsatisfactory Performance and Discontinuation of Studies” of the General Regulations Governing Postgraduate Studies which can be accessed from the Graduate School Homepage.
    • A student must achieve a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in order to fulfill the graduation requirement, unless special approval is granted by the Graduate Council.
    • All Ph.D. students are required to study a third language, other than Chinese and English, at university level for 12 units or 156 hours with satisfactory result. This requirement may be waived if the student is able to demonstrate proficiency in that language to the satisfaction of the Division.
    • All Ph.D. students should present at least one paper at a local workshop or international conference before completion of programme.
    • Students are required to submit a research thesis and pass an oral examination for graduation.
    • Complete an Improving Postgraduate Learning (IPL) module on “Observing Intellectual Property and Copyright Law during Research”. This is an online module and relevant information can be accessed from the IPL website.
    • Students are required to complete an online Research Ethics Training (RET) module on “Publication Ethics” offered by the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services (ORKTS) and obtain a valid Publication Ethics Certificate for graduation. Relevant information can be accessed from the RET website.


IV) Remarks

a) In the early stage of study, a student will choose a major field, a first supporting field and a second supporting field from the fields of specialization listed below. An advisory committee consisting of one or two supervisors from the major field and one each from the first and second supporting fields will then be formed to supervise the student.

(b) Fields of Specialisation include:

      1. History of Traditional China
      2. History of Modern China
      3. Pre-Modern World History*
      4. Modern World History*
      5. History of Hong Kong
      6. Comparative History
      7. Public History

c) Students admitted to the Gender Studies/History Programme will be exempted from two elective courses.


Note: * The field of World History covers Europe, America, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia and the Asia-Pacific.

DApplicable to students admitted in 2015-16 to 2016-17

I) Coursework Requirement

Students with a research master’s degree are required to complete a minimum of 33 units (for full-time students) / 39 units (for part-time students) of coursework for graduation.


1) Required course: 6 Units

    • HIST7010 (3 Units)
    • HIST7101 (3 Units)

2) Elective courses: 9 Units

    1. HIST7000- or HIST5000-level courses, which are related to the major, first supporting or second supporting fields, and have not been taken for credit before.
    2. Subject to supervisors’ recommendation and Division Head’s approval, students are allowed to choose up to 3 units of HIST4000-level course in the undergraduate curriculum, and these will count towards minimum course units for graduation if they achieve a course grade of B- or above.
    3. Subject to supervisors’ recommendation and Division Head’s approval, students may choose a discipline offered in another Division as the second supporting field. In such case, a graduate level coursework of 3 units offered by the Division concerned may replace the 3 units of coursework in the second supporting field.

3) Thesis monitoring course is listed below: FT: 12 Units | PT: 18 Units

    • Thesis preparation: A student is required to take HIST8001 “Thesis Guidance” in each term until his/her thesis is finally submitted. The course carries a total of 3 ungraded pass-or-fail units in each term. The student’s performance will be shown on record but will not be counted towards the calculation of GPA.

Total: FT: 33 Units | PT: 39 Units


II) Qualifying Examination

    • After completion of at least 12 units of coursework, a student will take and pass an oral qualifying examination before advancement to the Ph.D. candidature.
    • The oral qualifying examination will cover the student’s major and first supporting fields and will be conducted in accordance with regulations as laid down by the Division.
    • Students are required to pass the qualifying examination within the maximum period stipulated below:
      With research Master’s: Full-time 24 months / Part-time 32 months
      Without research Master’s: Full-time 36 months / Part-time 48 months


III) Other Requirements

    • Students must fulfill the Term Assessment Requirement of the Graduate School. For details, please refer to Section 13.0 “Unsatisfactory Performance and Discontinuation of Studies” of the General Regulations Governing Postgraduate Studies which can be accessed from the Graduate School Homepage.
    • A student must achieve a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in order to fulfill the graduation requirement, unless special approval is granted by the Graduate Council.
    • All Ph.D. students are required to study a third language, other than Chinese and English, at university level for 12 units or 156 hours with satisfactory result. This requirement may be waived if the student is able to demonstrate proficiency in that language to the satisfaction of the Division.
    • All Ph.D. students should present at least one paper at a local workshop or international conference before completion of programme.
    • Students are required to submit a research thesis and pass an oral examination for graduation.
    • Complete an Improving Postgraduate Learning (IPL) module on “Observing Intellectual Property and Copyright Law during Research”. This is an online module and relevant information can be accessed from the IPL website.


IV) Remarks

(a) In the early stage of study, a student will choose a major field, a first supporting field and a second supporting field from the fields of specialization listed below. An advisory committee consisting of one or two supervisors from the major field and one each from the first and second supporting fields will then be formed to supervise the student.

(b) Fields of Specialisation include:

      1. History of Traditional China
      2. History of Modern China
      3. Pre-Modern World History*
      4. Modern World History*
      5. History of Hong Kong
      6. Comparative History
      7. Public History

(c) Students admitted to the Gender Studies/History Programme will be exempted from two elective courses.


Note: * The field of World History covers Europe, America, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia and the Asia-Pacific.

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