Lecture TimeMonday, 14:30 - 16:15
VenueRoom 308, Lee Shau Kee Building (LSK 308)
Lecturer WOO Tze-Yan Jessie (jessiewoo@cuhk.edu.hk)
Course Description:
This course examines British history from Victorian period to the twentieth century. The major political, social and cultural events are introduced in order to attain an understanding of modern Britain history.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to have a full grip of modern British history after this course. They will be able to express ideas clearly and to analyze information and to critique differing viewpoints by the end of this course.
1. |
Introduction – Victorian Britain |
2. |
War and Empire |
3. |
Gladstone and Disraeli- British High Imperialism |
4. |
The Great War |
5. |
National Government and the Great Depression |
6. |
Churchill and WWII |
7. |
Swinging London and the 60s |
8. |
Commonwealth and the Cold War |
9. |
The Road to Welfare State |
10. |
Irish Question |
11. |
From Thatcher to Blair |
12. |
Contemporary Britain: Who are the British? |
1. |
Tutorial |
20% |
2. |
Mid-term take home quiz (Group project)
20% |
3. |
Take home paper (around 2500-3000 words) Questions will be given in the beginning of the course. |
60% |
Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. Details may be found at http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/policy/academichonesty/.
With each assignment, students will be required to submit a signed declaration that they are aware of these policies, regulations, guidelines and procedures.
Assignments without the properly signed declaration will not be graded by teachers.
Only the final version of the assignment should be submitted via VeriGuide.
The submission of a piece of work, or a part of a piece of work, for more than one purpose (e.g. to satisfy the requirements in two different courses) without declaration to this effect shall be regarded as having committed undeclared multiple submissions. It is common and acceptable to reuse a turn of phrase or a sentence or two from one’s own work; but wholesale reuse is problematic. In any case, agreement from the course teacher(s) concerned should be obtained prior to the submission of the piece of work.