The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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HIST5510 Special Topics in Cultural History: Socio-Cultural History of the Song Dynasty

Semester 2 (2022-2023)

Lecture TimeFriday, 18:30 - 20:15

VenueLT1, Lee Shau Kee Building (LSK LT1)


Lecturer WU Ya-ting (

Teaching Assistant 楊之水 (

Course Description

10-13 世紀的宋代被認為奠定了中國近世社會的基礎。在漫長的時間之河中,宋代前後起始的變遷,一步一步地形成我們今日對「中國」的印象。了解宋代, 對於理解傳統中國歷史的變化,以及觀察、探究前後時代乃至今日中國之為中國, 皆有其令人難以忽視的重要意義。

本課程以有興趣思索、探究傳統中國社會的同學為對象。在給予歷史學與宋代的基本框架後,環繞士人、旅行與都市空間開展論述。除了聽講,也透過論文 和史料的研讀、討論,引領同學熟悉宋代社會文化研究的重要論題和論點,意識 到如今所學習的「歷史」乃是來自於學術的長期討論和建構。

(1) 了解宋代社會的內涵與中國近世社會的結構。
(2) 拓展對於宋代社會文化重要議題的掌握與潛在議題的開發。
(3) 加深對於中國近世社會相關史料的認識和運用能力。
(4) 提升對於人文問題的溝通與表述能力。

The Song Dynasty (960-1279) is generally regarded as laying the foundation of Chinese modernity. Our impression of “China” today is, bit by bit, shaped by the transformation brought forth before, during and after the Song dynasty. To understand these changes, to understand why and how China becomes what it is now, we must understand the Song Dynasty.

This course is for those who are interested in academic thinking and in traditional China. It help students analyze historical archives and write academic papers. After introducing the basic historiography and macro context of the Song, this course will explore important issues such as the literati, travels, urban space, major debates and controversies in the study of socio-cultural history of the Song Dynasty. Students will be able to understand that the “history” they are studying is the product of long-term academic construction.

By the end of the course, students will:
(1) Have enhanced their understanding of the social structure of the Song Dynasty in particular and of early modern China in general.
(2) Have enhanced their understanding of major perceptions and debates in the study of the socio-cultural history of the Song Dynasty, and have enhanced their ability to formulate their own
research topics.
(3) Have enhanced their knowledge of and the ability to use various archives of early modern China for research.
(4) Have enhanced reading, writing, and oral expression skills in humanities research.


Week 1 13/1 概說與緒論 Preview

Week 2 20/1 做為研究概念的「宋代」 “Song” as a Research Concept

27/1 舊曆新年假期

Week 4 3/2 一 宋帝國的成立 The Establishment of the Song Dynasty

1. 張廣達,〈內藤湖南的唐宋變革說及其影響〉《史家、史學與現代學術》(廣西: 廣西師範大學,2008),頁57-133。
2. 劉靜貞,〈政治史再思考:以公眾史學為視角〉,《史學月刊》3,(河南,2014.3),頁10-14。

Week 5 10/2 二 新時代的士大夫 The Scholar-Officials of a New Age

3. 李志鴻,〈十世紀中國南方佛教政治論述的建構與宣傳:以佛教印經為線索〉,《中國文哲研究通訊》27:4=108(2017.12),頁43-56。
4. 黃庭碩,《南國多秀士:唐宋之際的東南士人與中國文化重心南移》(臺北:稻鄉出版社,2019),第三章 〈吳唐之際的文治轉向與士人〉,頁145-228。

Week 6 17/2 三 旅行視野中的庶民 The Travelling Commoners

5. 陳雯怡,《由官學到書院:從制度與理念的互動看宋代教育的演變》(臺北:聯經,2004),第三章〈書院復興運動的開展〉,頁107-195。
6. 黃寬重,〈以藝會友:南宋中期士人對〈蘭亭序〉的品題與人際關係〉為題,《漢學研究》35:3(2016):173-211。

Week 7 24/2 課程論文大綱討論(一) Semester Paper Workshop

Week 8 3/3 四 旅行書寫與知識建構 Its Writing and Intellectual Construction

7. 梁庚堯,〈南宋商人的旅行風險〉,北京:《燕京學報》新 22 期(2007.5) ,頁 99-131。
8. 吳雅婷,〈不安的邂逅─宋人於旅宿場所的互動與其空間印象〉,《新史學》21 卷 4 期(臺北,2010.12) ,頁 141-202。

Week 9 10/3 閱讀週

Week 10 17/3 課程論文大綱討論(二) Semester Paper Workshop

Week 11 24/3 五 物質世界與生活文化 Material Life, Material Culture

9. 廖咸惠,〈知識的分類與界定:宋代士人與小道之學〉,《漢學研究》,第39卷第2期(2021年6月),頁39-78。
10. Ruth Yun-Ju Chen, “The Quest for Efficiency: Knowledge Management in Medical Formularies,” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 80.2 (2021.11): 347-380.

Week 12 31/3 六 女性的生活空間與位置 Woman, Her Living Space and Position

11. 陳韻如,〈盡物之情態:北宋題畫活動與徽宗朝花鳥的畫史意義〉,《國立臺灣大學美術史研究集刊》,39 期(2015.9) ,頁 127-186。
12. 許雅惠,〈宋、元《三禮圖》的版面形式與使用:兼論新舊禮器變革〉,《臺大歷史學報》,第 60 期(2017 年 12 月),頁 57-117。

Week 13 7/4 復活節假期

Week 14 14/4 七 兩宋京華:開封與杭州 The Splendor of the Two Capitals: Kaifeng and Hangzhou
13. 劉靜貞,〈女無外事?—墓誌碑銘中所見之北宋士大夫社會秩序理念〉,《婦女與兩性學刊》4期 (1993 / 03 / 01) ,頁21 – 46。
14. 許曼,《跨越門閭—宋代福建女性的日常生活》 (上海:上海古籍出版 社,2019) ,第二章〈在旅途:家外的短暫停留〉,頁63-106。

Week 15 21/4 八 宋代社會文化史的可能性:動態、空間、連結 Dynamics, Space, Connection: the Social-Cultural Possibilities of the Song Dynasty

15. 久保田和男著,郭萬平譯,《宋代開封研究》(上海:上海古籍出版社,2010) ,第十章 〈徽宗朝首都空間的重構〉、〈附論 論北宋的皇帝行幸:以首都空間為中心〉,頁 220-282。
16. 梁庚堯 ,〈從南北到東西──宋代真州轉運地位的轉變〉,《臺大歷史學報》第52期(2013.12),頁53-143。

Assessment & Assignments

1. 導修 20分
2. 個人期末論文 65分

1) 擇一宋元時期議題,寫作現有研究回顧或學術論文。
3) 含注釋4000-6000字,於4/30夜間11:59提交。
4) 內容包含:
〈1〉 說明選擇動機
〈2〉 搜尋相關研究現況,閱讀並製作分類目錄。
5) 第五週課前請各位同學上報題目至blackboard。期中每組提交書面大綱,佔15分。繳交時間為第七週星期三夜間11:59或第十週星期三夜間11:59之前。
3. 課堂表現、隨堂作業 15分


導修 20分
1) 課堂閱讀的指定書目見進度表(上表)「指定閱讀討論」欄,粗體字者。
2) 每篇指定閱讀書目有1位同學於導修時間分享大意、想法、疑問。口頭報告時間為15-20分鐘。
3) 報告請為聽眾準備大綱(電子檔或紙本皆可)。
4) 其餘時間共同討論。
5) 未參加導讀的同學每人從閱讀書目中挑一篇寫作閱讀書面報告一份,800-1000字以內。繳交時間下次導修課程前一晚11:59之前。
6) 報告內容必須包含說明:介紹作者的論點;闡明全文脈絡、作者欲處理的問題、使用什麼樣的材料、如何透過材料建立論述;並且提出自身對於該問題的想法,以及閱讀感想。


1. 劉靜貞,〈政治史再思考:以公眾史學為視角〉,《史學月刊》3,(河南,2014.3),頁10-14。
2. 張廣達,〈內藤湖南的唐宋變革說及其影響〉《史家、史學與現代學術》(廣西: 廣西師範大學,2008),頁57-133。
3. 黃庭碩,《南國多秀士:唐宋之際的東南士人與中國文化重心南移》(臺北:稻鄉出版社,2019),〈第三章 吳唐之際的文治轉向與士人〉,頁145-228。
4. 李志鴻,〈十世紀中國南方佛教政治論述的建構與宣傳:以佛教印經為線索〉,《中國文哲研究通訊》27:4=108(2017.12),頁43-56。
5. 陳雯怡,《由官學到書院:從制度與理念的互動看宋代教育的演變》(臺北:聯經,2004),〈第三章 書院復興運動的開展〉,頁107-195。
6. 黃寬重,〈以藝會友:南宋中期士人對〈蘭亭序〉的品題與人際關係〉為題,《漢學研究》35:3(2016):173-211。

7. 梁庚堯,〈南宋商人的旅行風險〉,北京:《燕京學報》新 22 期(2007.5),頁 99-131。
8. 吳雅婷,〈不安的邂逅─宋人於旅宿場所的互動與其空間印象〉,《新史學》21:4(臺北,2010.12),頁 141-202。

9. 廖咸惠,〈知識的分類與界定:宋代士人與小道之學〉,《漢學研究》,第39卷第2期(2021年6月),頁39-78。
10. Ruth Yun-Ju Chen, “The Quest for Efficiency: Knowledge Management in Medical Formularies,” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 80.2 (2021.11): 347-380.
11. 陳韻如,〈盡物之情態:北宋題畫活動與徽宗朝花鳥的畫史意義〉,《國立臺灣大學美術史研究集刊》,39 期(2015.9),頁 127-186。
12. 許雅惠,〈宋、元《三禮圖》的版面形式與使用:兼論新舊禮器變革〉,《臺大歷史學報》,第 60 期(2017 年 12 月),頁 57-117。

13. 劉靜貞,〈女無外事?—墓誌碑銘中所見之北宋士大夫社會秩序理念〉,《婦女與兩性學刊》4期 (1993 / 03 / 01),頁21 – 46。
14. 許曼,《跨越門閭—宋代福建女性的日常生活》(上海:上海古籍出版社,2019),第二章,〈在旅途:家外的短暫停留〉,頁63-106。
15. 久保田和男著,郭萬平譯,《宋代開封研究》(上海:上海古籍出版社,2010),〈第十章 徽宗朝首都空間的重構〉、〈附論 論北宋的皇帝行幸:以首都空間為中心〉,頁 220-282。
16. 梁庚堯 ,〈從南北到東西──宋代真州轉運地位的轉變〉,《臺大歷史學報》第52期(2013.12),頁53-143。

Honesty in Academic Work

Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. Details may be found at

With each assignment, students will be required to submit a signed declaration that they are aware of these policies, regulations, guidelines and procedures.

  • In the case of group projects, all members of the group should be asked to sign the declaration, each of whom is responsible and liable to disciplinary actions, irrespective of whether he/she has signed the declaration and whether he/she has contributed, directly or indirectly, to the problematic contents.
  • For assignments in the form of a computer-generated document that is principally text-based and submitted via VeriGuide, the statement, in the form of a receipt, will be issued by the system upon students’ uploading of the soft copy of the assignment.

Assignments without the properly signed declaration will not be graded by teachers.

Only the final version of the assignment should be submitted via VeriGuide.

The submission of a piece of work, or a part of a piece of work, for more than one purpose (e.g. to satisfy the requirements in two different courses) without declaration to this effect shall be regarded as having committed undeclared multiple submissions. It is common and acceptable to reuse a turn of phrase or a sentence or two from one’s own work; but wholesale reuse is problematic. In any case, agreement from the course teacher(s) concerned should be obtained prior to the submission of the piece of work.

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