香港中文大學 歴史系 歴史系

HIST5575 香港土地制度與習慣

2022-2023年度 第二學期

時間星期五 18:30 - 21:15

地點康本國際學術園6號演講廳 (YIA LT6)


課程講師 張瑞威 (






Lecture One: 土地佔有的早期方式


  1. Toichi Mabuchi, “Magico-Religious Land Ownership in Central Formosa and Southeast Asia,” Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnlogy, Academia Sinica, Taipei, vol. 29, pp. 349-383.
  2. 汪明輝,〈Hupa: 阿里山鄒族傳統的領域〉,《師大地理研究報告》18, 1992, 頁31-49。


Lecture Two: 從鹽田到民田


  1. Jen Yu-wen, “The Southern Sung Stone Engraving at North Fu-t’ang,” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong, vol. 5 (1965), pp. 65-68.
  2. 湯開建,<宋代香港地區的鹽業生產及鹽的走私>,《嶺南學報(哲學社會科學)》,第17卷第2期(1995年4月),頁53-82。
  3. 蕭國健,<香港前代史論集>,臺灣商務印書館,1977年。


Lecture Three: “Crown Land” and “Leasehold”


  1. E. J. Eitel, Europe in China: The History of Hong Kong from the Beginning to the Year 1882, Hong Kong: Kelly & Walsh, LD., 1895.
  2. James William Norton-Kyshe, History of the Laws and Courts of Hongkong, vol. 1, Hong Kong: Noronha and Company, 1902.
  3. Frank Welsh, A History of Hong Kong, Great Britain: HarperCollinsPublishers, 1997.
  4. SH Goo & Alice Lee, Land Law in Hong Kong, third edition, Hong Kong: LexisNexis Hong Kong, 2013.
  5. SH Goo, Source book on Land Law, third edition, London: Cavendish Publishing Limited, 2002.
  6. About the “entailed” figure of the Longbourn estate, see


Lecture Four: 香港島的土著權益


  1. 卜永堅,<香港早期文書—英國國家檔案館藏F.O.233/185號檔案釋文>,上、中、下,《田野與文獻》,第63期(2011.4),頁1-41)、第64期(2011.7),頁1-39)、第65期,頁1-53。
  2. 《道光二十二年香港等處稅畝總呈》,光緒二十二年重修,於1966年鄧惠翹《續修師儉堂家譜》重抄。
  3. Sui-Wai Cheung, “Landlords, Squatters, and Tenants: Fundamental Concepts of Land Administration in Early Colonial Hong Kong,” in Sui-Wai Cheung (ed.), Colonial Administration and Land Reform in East Asia, Oxon: Routledge, 2017, pp. 21-36.


Lecture Five: 清朝的土地登記


  1. 1. 張瑞威,<清朝建置九龍寨城過程中的收地拆屋賠償問題>,《區域史研究▪創刊號》,總第1輯(2019),第112-127頁。
  2. 勘建九龍寨城全案》,收入陳鏸勛撰,莫世祥校注,《香港雜記(外二種)》,廣州:暨南大學出版社,1996年。


Lecture Six: 反財產恆繼規則與999年土地租約


  1. 鍾寶賢,<法人與祖嘗—華人政情與香港早期的華資公司>,《經營文化:中國社會單元的管理與運作》,香港:香港教育圖書公司,1999,頁124-198。
  2. 松原健太郎,<是信託還是法人—中國宗族財產的管治問題>,《歷史人類學學刊》第7卷第2期(2009年10月),頁73-104。
  3. Sui-Wai Cheung, “Landlords, Squatters, and Tenants: Fundamental Concepts of Land Administration in Early Colonial Hong Kong,” in Sui-Wai Cheung (ed.), Colonial Administration and Land Reform in East Asia, Oxon: Routledge, 2017, pp. 21-36.
  4. D. M. Emrys Evans, “Aliens on British Soil: A Problem of Landholding in Early Hong Kong,” Hong Kong Law Journal, vol. 8 (1978), pp. 205-214.
  5. 卜永堅,<香港早期文書—英國國家檔案館藏F.O.233/185號檔案釋文>,上、中、下,《田野與文獻》,第63期(2011.4),頁1-41)、第64期(2011.7),頁1-39)、第65期,頁1-53。


Lecture Seven: 九龍半島的發展, 1860-1890


  1. 張瑞威,《拆村:消逝的九龍村落》,香港:三聯書店(香港)有限公司,2013,頁60-71。
  2. Carl T. Smith and James Hayes, “Nineteenth Century Yaumatei,” in In the Heart of the Metropolis: Yaumatei and its People, Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (H.K.) Co., Ltd., 1999, pp. 101-110.
  3. Sui-Wai Cheung, “Landlords, Squatters, and Tenants: Fundamental Concepts of Land Administration in Early Colonial Hong Kong,” in Sui-Wai Cheung (ed.), Colonial Administration and Land Reform in East Asia, Oxon: Routledge, 2017, pp. 21-36.
  4. Report from the Hong Kong Land Commission of 1886-87, on the History of the Sale, Tenure, and Occupation of the Crown Lands of the Colony, Hong Kong: Noronha & Co., 1887.


Lecture Eight: 駱克報告中的新界管治問題


  1. Papers Relating to the Extension of the Colony of Hong Kong (Sessional papers, 1899)
  2. 《駱克先生香港殖民地展拓界址報告書》(駱克先生致殖民地部函),收入劉智鵬編,《拓展界址:英治新界早期歷史探索》,香港:中華書局,2010年,頁180-242。
  3. 夏思義(Patrick H. Hase)著;林立偉譯,《被遺忘的六日戰爭:1899年新界鄉民與英軍之戰》,香港:中華書局,2014年。


Lecture Nine: 新界土地的登記和測量


  1. Report on the New Territories During the First Year of British Administration (Sessional papers, 1900, no. 15, pp. 251-292.)
  2. A General Report on the Survey of the Survey of the New Territory from November, 1899, to April, 1904 (Sessional Papers 1904, no. 31, pp. 397-404.
  3. New Territories: Land Court, Report on Work from 1900 to 1905.By J. R. Wood, with reports by C. Mcl. Messer, Cecil Clementi, and J. R. Wood. (Sessional Papers 1905, no. 10, pp. 143-152.
  4. Sui-Wai Cheung, “Trigonometrical Survey and the Land Maps in China, 1368-1950,” in Sui-Wai Cheung (ed.), Colonial Administration and Land Reform in East Asia, Oxon: Routledge. pp. 117-41.
  5. 許舒(James Hayes)著,林立偉譯,《新界百年史》,香港:中華書局,2016年,頁65-88 (第三章:測量、田土法庭、登記與習慣法)。


Lecture Ten: 托倫斯登記制度(Torrens System)


  1. Report on the New Territories During the First Year of British Administration (Sessional papers, 1900, no. 15, pp. 251-292.)
  2. A General Report on the Survey of the Survey of the New Territory from November, 1899, to April, 1904 (Sessional Papers 1904, no. 31, pp. 397-404.
  3. Judith Sihombing, “The Torrens System in the New Territories,” Hong Kong Law Journal, vol. 14 (1984), pp. 291-305.
  4. 楊少初,<托倫斯土地系統與英國在新界的土地政策>,收入劉智鵬編,《展拓界址:英治新界早期歷史探索》,香港:中華書局,2010年,頁101-123。
  5. 《土地註冊解碼:土地註冊通識教育科教材套》,香港:土地註冊處,2013年。


Lecture Eleven: 新界條例下的祖堂


  1. New Territories Land Ordinance (Hansard on 1 June, 1905)
  2. Notes on Land in the District Offices, N.T. (1908, Extracts from C.S.O. file 4865/1906, Hong Kong Public Record Office HKRS no. 156)
  3. New Territories: Land Court, Report on Work from 1900 to 1905.By J. R. Wood, with reports by C. Mcl. Messer, Cecil Clementi, and J. R. Wood. (Sessional Papers 1905, no. 10, pp. 143-152.
  4. 許舒(James Hayes)著,林立偉譯,《新界百年史》,香港:中華書局,2016年,頁65-88 (第三章:測量、田土法庭、登記與習慣法)。


Lecture Twelve: 土地習慣法(Customary Land Law)


  1. Patrick H. Hase, Custom, land and Livelihood in Rural South China: The Traditional Land Law of Hong Kong’s New Territories, 1750-1950, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2013, esp. pp. 39-69.
  2. 沈之奇,《大清律輯註》(上下),北京:法律出版社,2000年。
  3. 張少強,《管治新界:地權、父權與主權》,香港:中華書局,2016年,頁189-222。


Lecture Thirteen: 丁屋政策


  1. 2019 Judgment for HCAL260/2015
  2. Say H. Goo, “The small house policy and Tso and Tong land: Finding the interface between state and customary law in Hong Kong,” in Hualing Fu & John Gillespie (ed.), Resolving Land Disputes in East Asia, Cambridge University Press, 2014, pp. 374-391.
  3. 薛鳳旋、鄺智文,《新界鄉議局史》,香港:三聯書店,2011年。
  4. 新界鄉議局,《新界小型屋宇政策特輯》,1980年。

學期論文:80% (論文組織30%;文章分析50%)




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