The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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HIST2010 Oral History: Methods and Practices

Semester 2 (2022-2023)

Lecture TimeThursday, 14:30 - 16:15

VenueRoom 308, Lee Shau Kee Building (LSK 308)


Lecturer CHEN Wenyan (39437120 /

Teaching Assistant YE Shunan (

Course Description



第一節 何為口述史?

第二節 記憶與口述歷史

第三節 個體與集體記憶

第四節 訪談者的技藝和角色

第五節 訪談的籌備

第六節 口述訪談的進行

第七節 訪談的儲存和整理

第八節 口述史的檔案館和圖書館

第九節 口述歷史的解讀和學術利用

第十節 口述歷史的功用和展示

第十一節 口述歷史和社會

第十二節 口述歷史和公眾史學

第十三節 總結

Assessment & Assignments






Abrams, Lynn. Oral History Theory. London: Routledge, 2010.

Honig, Emily and Gail Hershatter. Personal Voices: Chinese Women in the 1980’s. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University, 1988.

McKay, Nancy. Curating Oral Histories: From Interview to Archive. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, 2006.

Perks Robert and Alistair Thomson, Eds. The Oral History Reader. 2nd Ed. New York: Routledge, 2006.

Portelli Alessandro. The Battle of Valle Giulia: Oral History and the Art of Dialogue. Madison & London: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1997.

Ritchie Donald. Doing Oral History, 3rd Ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.

Rosenzweig, Roy, Susan Porter Benson, and Stephen Brier, Eds. Presenting the Past: Essays on History and the Public. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1986.

Shopes, Linda and Paula Hamilton. Oral History and Public Memories. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2008.

Sommer Barbara W. and Mary Kay Quinlan. The Oral History Manual, 2nd Ed. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, AltaMira, 2009.

Thompson, Paul. The Voice of The Past: Oral History, 3rd ed Oxford England; New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Yow, Valerie Raleigh. Recording Oral History: A Guide for Humanities and Social Sciences. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press, 2005.





Honesty in Academic Work

Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. Details may be found at

With each assignment, students will be required to submit a signed declaration that they are aware of these policies, regulations, guidelines and procedures.

  • In the case of group projects, all members of the group should be asked to sign the declaration, each of whom is responsible and liable to disciplinary actions, irrespective of whether he/she has signed the declaration and whether he/she has contributed, directly or indirectly, to the problematic contents.
  • For assignments in the form of a computer-generated document that is principally text-based and submitted via VeriGuide, the statement, in the form of a receipt, will be issued by the system upon students’ uploading of the soft copy of the assignment.

Assignments without the properly signed declaration will not be graded by teachers.

Only the final version of the assignment should be submitted via VeriGuide.

The submission of a piece of work, or a part of a piece of work, for more than one purpose (e.g. to satisfy the requirements in two different courses) without declaration to this effect shall be regarded as having committed undeclared multiple submissions. It is common and acceptable to reuse a turn of phrase or a sentence or two from one’s own work; but wholesale reuse is problematic. In any case, agreement from the course teacher(s) concerned should be obtained prior to the submission of the piece of work.

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