Call for Entries: 2022 APRU Global Health Virtual Case Competition (Registration deadline: 25 April)

The Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) is calling for entries to the 2022 APRU Global Health Virtual Case Competition.

This annual competition allows teams of students to devise solution to pressing global health challenges. Participating teams have up to ten weeks to prepare a 10-minute video in English proposing a realistic, well-designed and innovative solution to the challenge. It opens to CUHK students (undergraduates and postgraduates) and the topic for this year will be announced on 25 March 2022. The winning team will be awarded a prize of US$1,000. All participating students will receive a certificate of participation.


  • 25 March – Case challenge issued
  • 25 April – Registration deadline
  • 2 June – Final video submissions
  • 1 August – Three finalist teams announced
  • November – Final judging of competition held during an APRU Global Health virtual event

Interested teams should register through APRU online registration system by 25 April 2022, 11:59pm Pacific Time, and submit a copy of the registration to the Office of Academic Links (c/o Ms. LAI Ching Yee; for necessary follow-up. For more information, please refer to APRU website. For enquiries, please contact Dr. Melissa Withers (

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