E-mobility and future transport in the era of smart cities
Prof. Sylvia He hosts a workshop on e-mobility and future transport.
Prof. Sylvia He of the Department of Geography and Resource Management, award holder of the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) Research Development Fund (RDF) in 2019, organised a workshop titled ‘E-mobility and Future Transport’ on 2 November as part of her project ‘Low-Carbon Transport, Individual Wellbeing, and Planetary Health in the Era of Smart Cities and New Mobilities’. The workshop featured scholars of eight universities and organisations, including the Universities of Auckland, Bristol, and Leeds, who shared their latest research on electric vehicle, e-scooter, and other emerging transport modes. The workshop attracted some 60 participants.
Watch the video to revisit the event:
The WUN RDF is an annual scheme that provides seed funds to kick-start research collaborations among member universities with a view to stimulating larger projects that will strengthen WUN and the competitiveness of the collaborating partners to bid for major external grants. Since 2012, CUHK has won 17 projects as lead and participated in over 30 projects led by other member universities under the RDF. This year, Prof. Francis Tam of the Earth System Science Programme received an award from the RDF for his project titled ‘Investigating Global Warming and Future Urbanisation Impacts on Heat Stress in Lagos, Nigeria and the Greater Bay Area, China Megacities—A Multiscale Modeling Approach’ which engages the University College Dublin and Zhejiang University.