CUHK and University of Cambridge launch joint laboratory for bilingualism


CUHK’s partnership with the University of Cambridge (Cambridge) was further strengthened with the launch of the Cambridge-CUHK Joint Laboratory for Bilingualism in December 2017.


The joint laboratory, a brainchild of Prof. Virginia Yip, Director of the Childhood Bilingualism Research Centre at CUHK and Dr. Boping Yuan of the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at Cambridge, will provide an international platform for research in bilingualism across the lifespan from infancy and early childhood to adulthood, across diverse contexts, and promote the linguistic and cognitive benefits of bilingualism and multilingualism. The joint laboratory will be an incubator for research collaborations among leading experts and scholars in bilingual development, first and second language acquisition, Chinese language and linguistics, and related fields.


CUHK has a multitude of ongoing partnerships in various disciplines with Cambridge, including the Clare Hall Visiting Fellowships, a CUHK Fellowship in Autism Neuroscience, and collaboration in CUHK’s Global Physician-Leadership Stream of the MBChB Programme. In addition to the above, there are individual research collaborations in the areas of China studies, engineering, geography and geoinformation sciences, and law.


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