unitedcollege唔知書院同學喺聯合最快樂嘅時光係D咩呢?一齊做個街訪睇下啦~ 💬
📌如果你都想同大家分享你嘅聯合時光,記得參加《我的聯合時光》短片創作比賽呀!唔洗用d好勁嘅器材架!最重要係記錄低你喺聯合嘅回憶!2月15號截止喇!仲有HKTV Mall禮券等緊你!
https://bit.ly/3qbxWMe What is the happiest moment of our college students ? Check it out in our interview!💬
Eating, playing, and sleeping?🤤Definitely no! It’s all about those time spent with friends! 💃🏽🕺🏻
📌If you also would like to share with us about your UC time, join “My UC Memories” Short Video Competition! No need to use very professional equipment to shoot. The most important thing is to make a good record of your UC memories! The deadline (15 Feb) is approaching! Join and win the HKTV Mall vouchers!
For details🔗
https://bit.ly/3qbxWMe #uc65 #1minutevideo #中大聯合書院