Call for application
The following programmes are open for applications:
Short-term Faculty Exchange Programme & PhD Student Exchange Programme for 2018–19 (Second Round)
The Short-term Faculty Exchange Programme and PhD Student Exchange Programme for 2018–19 are open for application (second round). Applications should reach the Office of Academic Links by Friday, 9 November 2018.
- Short-term Faculty Exchange Programme(for CUHK faculty members)
The programme aims to expand CUHK’s network with selected international partners by supporting the development of individual research. It also fosters stronger ties between faculty members of CUHK and its partner institutions for academic and research exchange. CUHK will be responsible for a return air ticket while the host institutions will provide accommodation for up to seven nights.
The programme guidelines and application form can be accessed at: https://www.oal.cuhk.edu.hk/sfep.
- PhD Student Exchange Programme (for PhD students)
The programme provides funding support to CUHK PhD students to undertake short-term research visits at the partner institutions. Selected CUHK PhD students will receive a sponsorship of HK$15,000-HK$50,000.
The programme guidelines and application form can be accessed at: https://www.oal.cuhk.edu.hk/phdsep.
For enquiries, please contact the Office of Academic Links (c/o Ms. Olivia Kwok).
The Endeavour Research Leadership Award 2019 for Postgraduate Students and Post-docs
The Endeavour Research Leadership Award 2019 (including the Endeavour Cheung Kong Research Leadership Award) is now calling for applications. The Award provides financial support for postgraduate students and post-docs from participating countries/regions, including Hong Kong, to undertake short-term research towards a CUHK Master’s or PhD degree, or post-doctoral research in any field of study in Australia.
The Endeavour Research Leadership Award
Terms of Award:
- Travel allowance: AU$3,000 (Provision to pay up to AU$4,500 under special circumstances)
- Establishment allowance: AU$2,000
- Monthly stipend: AU$3,000 per month (up to 6 months on a pro-rata basis)
- Health insurance (international): Health coverage will be provided for full period of the award
- Travel insurance (international): Included
The total award value can go up to AU$24,500.
Applications should be submitted through the online application portal. For more information, please refer to the applicant guide at the link here and the Endeavour Research Leadership Award website. The information is also available on OAL website.
For enquiries, please email the award organiser at endeavour@education.gov.au. Applicants should send a copy of their applications to OAL (c/o Ms. Alice Leong; hyleong@cuhk.edu.hk) for necessary follow-up.