CUHK eNews | Oct 2022


Making a world of difference: Future17 and CUHK

CUHK has joined Future17, a new multiinstitutional, multidisciplinary programme initiated by the University of Exeter and Quacquarelli Symonds to give students from CUHK and across the world the opportunity to work together towards the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and develop solutions for tackling some of the grand challenges confronting societies globally.

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A new breakthrough in the fight against neurogenerative disease

Researchers from CU Medicine have created a groundbreaking technique for deeper 3D visualisation of brain tissue structures. The innovative method can now be used by laboratories around the world to accelerate advances in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

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CUHK-Exeter study projects loss of staple crops by up to 22% by 2050

A study led by CUHK and the University of Exeter projected that one-fifth of staple crops will be lost by 2050 due to ozone pollution and global climate change. South Asia will be one of the hardest hit regions as extreme weather events caused by climate change alone will lead to up to 40% less rice being produced by 2100.

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Joint medical study with APRU deciphers global multiple myeloma trends

CU Medicine has conducted a study with the Association of Pacific Rim Universities to investigate the global distribution, risk factors and epidemiological trends of multiple myeloma—one of the major types of haematological malignancies. Details of the study have been published recently in the top international medical journal, The Lancet Haematology.

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CUHK students triumph at Asia-Pacific robot contest

Representing Hong Kong, the robotics team from CUHK’s Faculty of Engineering received the Grand Prix Award at the top-notch Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union’s Asia-Pacific Robot Contest. It was the second time a CUHK team has taken the prize, testifying to the University’s strengths in robotics and innovation education. 

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Time travel at fingertips

The CUHK Art Museum has claimed the University Museums and Collections Award 2022 with its interactive virtual tour ‘Time Travel • Hong Kong’ that uses Google street views. The museum is proud to be the first winner in East Asia of this prestigious award for its innovative use of technology to foster community engagement in fulfilling its mission of preserving the Chinese arts and culture.

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CUHK excels in rankings

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Celebrating distinguished achievements

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Faculty of Social Science – Impacts

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School of Architecture – Year Book 2022–23

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Undergraduate Admissions 2023

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Postgraduate Studies 2023–24

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10 November 2022

WUN symposium: Health and social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescents: An international perspective

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11 November 2022

CUHK LAW GBA forum online seminar – Tax law in the GBA

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12 November 2022

The 24th Chinese University of Hong Kong surgical symposium

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13-14 December 2022

The 36th international workshop on therapeutic endoscopy

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