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STINT’s Teaching Sabbatical Programme
(For visiting faculty from Sweden)
CUHK and the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT) cooperate in STINT’s Teaching Sabbatical Programme (formerly known as the STINT Programme for Excellence in Teaching). Each year CUHK hosts up to two STINT Fellows who spend a full first term teaching or co-teaching a course in a discipline close to their own as well as engaging in research. This serves as a good opportunity for the host departments at CUHK to exchange teaching experience and research findings with the Swedish scholars. In addition, CUHK students are able to receive teaching from Swedish scholars without having to go to Sweden.
Under the programme, STINT covers all expenses incurred by the fellows, while the host departments at CUHK are responsible for providing an office space to the fellows. OAL and the Human Resources Office at CUHK are responsible for making the rest of the arrangements, including visas, housing, and other institutional courtesies.
Applications are invited on an annual basis. For more information, please refer to the STINT website.
Sharing from STINT Fellows
- 2016-17: Prof. Helena Francke, University of Boras (link)
- 2018-19: Dr. Markus Langeland, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Dr. Monir Mazaheri, The Swedish Red Cross University College; and Dr. Jesús Piqueras, Stockholm University (link)
- 2019-20: Dr. Sebastian Mohr, Karlstad University (link)
- 2021-22: Prof. Mikael Carlsson, Stockholm University and Prof. Erik Olsson, Uppsala University (link)